Nightingale Tricky Treatment Close Encounter

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It once more was that time of the year, it was Halloween in Chaldea's HQ, which meant the corridors, the rooms, and everywhere else was decorated for the occasion. Following the somewhat established tradition from past years also meant that Elizabeth Báthory was once more up to some crazy, singularity inducing, shenanigans again, bringing many Servants, willing or not, along with her to participate as well. It was a joyous occasion full of fright, candies and fun moments.

For Florence Nightingale, the self-appointed head nurse of Chaldea, however, it was a time fraught with danger that filled her with worry; cavities and stomach aches from eating too much candy, injuries from reckless battles, messes from pumpkin carvings, and so on. The number of things that would require her immediate attention, as she would not allow any sickness, injury, dirt and other unhygienic substances to exist within Chaldea on her watch, just kept piling up the more she thought about it. Her Master and other staff members would be fine, they were more responsible with taking care of themselves, and if needed she could treat them somewhat easily since they were all humans, and she had plenty of experience in that field.

No, her problem was the other Servants. While many could still be given the same usual treatments she knew and was used to, even with a few caveats, many others would require completely different approaches and techniques to be fully treated correctly. And with each Servant being able to be and function differently from regular humans, some weren't even human at all to begin with, meant that she was always having to learn new ways to treat them, ways that she hadn't mastered, which in turn meant that her treatment could be flawed! She would not stand for that any longer, she decided as she suddenly stood up from her chair in the medical office, she would find a new medical technique that could be used to treat all servants equally before this Halloween was over, for the sake of saving lives she would do anything, anything at all.

That was the last time Nightingale was seen in the medical office for the past 3 days, which for anyone that knew the headstrong nurse was an oddity as she almost lived inside said office. So as would be expected, Artoria Lancer was surprised when she suddenly received a message from the missing nurse, asking to meet her in one of Chaldea's many residential rooms, as she needed her help with something. It was somewhat strange to be called like this, and for help of all things, but deciding to see what could be keeping the nurse away from the medical office for so long she went to the meeting location.

It was a few minutes later that Artoria arrived in front of the stated room, she stared for a moment before finally knocking on the door, to which she quickly heard Nightingale's reply of "Come in, it's open" and entered the room. She obviously had expected many things as to what could be keeping the dedicated nurse away from her usual location when she first received the message, but what greeted her certainly wasn't any of those things; in front of her was Nightingale in her, frankly, provocative and sensual halloween's outfit, but what really caught her attention, enough to freeze her on the spot for a moment, was the positively massive and throbbing dick and pair of heavy and full looking balls she was now sporting, both of those were even bigger than when Merlin had given her hers.

"Perfect" Artoria barely heard Nightingale's rushed comment when she suddenly felt a sting on her neck and saw as the nurse removed a syringe from it, when had she gotten so close? Before she could do anything else, Artoria felt her body freeze up and then go limp, dropping her to the ground in a heap, it was only then that she noticed the rest of the room behind the nurse, her eyes going wide when she saw 6 condoms filled with what appeared to be gallons of cum, and floating inside were pieces of clothes she recognized from other Servants, Musashi's and Kaikou's bikinis, Koyanskaya's bodysuit, and further behind those she could see a few others that she couldn't identify.

Squatting in front of the downed Artoria, her balls hitting the floor with a small thud from their weight, Nightingale started looking over the data she had collected on the busty lancer, she filled out all the necessary categories for the experiment "I'm sorry for our meeting having to happen in such less than ideal manner, but you match all the requirements for this research" Nightingale stated matter of factly as she quickly flipped through the collected data pages. Once she was fully satisfied with what she was seeing she let the go of the pages "Let's start the procedure" She said as she took her dick in one hand and reached for Artoria's feet with the other, and after angling them correctly pushed them inside with a wet sound, much to the paralyzed lancer horror.

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