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episode 2;

Second Chance at First Line

Second Chance at First Line

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Sammy gently lays down on June's stomach while she process everything. Her parents hunt werewolves? Would she have to hunt them too? Werewolves exist? I'm hungry. Should I get some pizza? She tilts her head as she considers getting some food.

"Allie!" She hears footsteps before her sisters head pops in through the doorway, "Wanna get some pizza?"

Allison smiles, "I'm driving."


"Hey," Allison greets Scott as both herself and her sister walk down the stairs.

"I'll leave you two to talk." June says, not wanting to be stuck third-wheeling. She heads to the library and starts to grab every book she can about lycanthropy. She sits down at a desk placing around twelve books on the table.

"This is gonna take awhile." She sighs, grabbing one of the books and beginning her journey of trying to figure out how to help Scott (which is new for her) and trying to stop her family from killing more werewolves. Stiles walks by the door and spots her. He smiles softly at her focused figure especially because she has her eyebrows scrunched together in concentration. His eyes widen when he sees the cover of the books that's stacked in a pile next to her. Every single one of them has werewolves written on the cover. He stumbles and races to tell Scott.

"Hey come here," Stiles grabs onto his friends shoulders and guides him over to the other wall.


"Come here, tell me what they're saying," he points over to where his dad-the sheriff a deputy and a teacher are standing talking in hushed voices. "can you hear them?"

"Ssh." Scott focuses on their voices once again, finally hearing what they're saying, "curfew because of the body."

"Unbelievable, my dads out looking for a rapid animal while the jerkoff who actually killed the girl is just hanging out, doing whatever he wants. Not to mention June's onto us."

What do you mean June's onto us?!" Scott whisper shouts.

"I saw her in the library with a whole stack of books, each one having the label of something to do with werewolves."

"Are you serious?" Stiles nods, pursing his lips, "so not only do we have to deal with Derek we've also got to deal with June whose could potential know about werewolves?"

"Well we can do something about the Derek situation." Stiles says

"Like what?"

"Like find the other half of the body." Stiles walks off leaving Scott alone.

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