Chapter 5 - Patrol Night

Start from the beginning

Shit, not good.

I saw four figures, maybe more following from behind or already passed by head above me. One of them was definitely endeavor I recognized the fiery glow of his suit. One of them was swinging using a gray cloth or was it gray. It's just my analysis of the colors that it could possibly be, but really the night vision isn't helping.

No, stop it. I'm getting off track I really need to find a way out.

I quickly glanced around the alley trying to find a way. I noticed a guy and a girl, in very scandalous outfits as they came out of what seemed to be a rave club? I didn't go to these things and really I'm too young or am I? Yin and Yang have me severely confused and conflicted about my age.

I ignored them they weren't going to help me in any way. I mean just walk up them with a completely black face hidden in a Navy blue hood with a whole bunch of guns and other weapons on me. What would I do, go up and wave to them and say "hey where's the closest exit or the darkest space where I can hide? And could any of you possibly give me a ride home?" Yep, definitely not going to do that. But I still needed to find my way out and why am I so stuck on this.

Because they are not here to help you.

Great, another voice! I'm being sarcastic. This is the worst possible scenario I could have gotten myself into another some sort of deity, god? Who looked at me and decided yes the perfect vessel. Definitely not two deities! Yep totally!

I rolled my eyes, the voice was really getting to me I simply blocked it out. I was becoming incredibly good at selective deafness.

"There!" One of my pursuers shouted as I climbed my way out of the dumpsters starting into the filled streets.

Why is there so many cars and people out? It's not really that early is it? My internal thought is cut short when I quickly look behind me to see, yes, the rising of the Sun.

Oh, fuck me.

What is with my problem and getting into sticky situations I can never seem to erase. I let it exasperated sigh that sounded overly glitchy through my helmet.

Now it's not the time to mingle about such silly topics.

Ooh look who finally decided to show!

Just then an incredible stinging searing sensation of my new second degree burn appeared! Hooray, today is just my day!

I gritted my teeth and turned to run back into... Damn it. No I had pro heroes surrounding me, civilians backing up and away. One of them I recognized Eraserhead, I specifically looked up to him, somewhat. Well as much as a hate of pro heroes could. I smiled, I knew that they couldn't see it but whatever.

"Ahh! EEer-aser! Ni-Nice to-to-to meeet-et yew-you again!" (Translation: Eraser! Nice to meet you again!) The voice changer did its work, distorting my voice to an unrecognizable tone. They wouldn't be able to tell my gender, nor age. But I mean I don't even know my gender at this point! Mostly it's the age that matters.

"Miyo." Eraser said as if confirming my name.

"I-I see-ee you brr-ught m-e new toys!" (Translation: I see you brought me new toys!)

Eraser in multiple of the other heroes bared their teeth, except Hawk, at me as I spread my arms into a t-pose with my palms facing upwards as if I'm about to bow.

I'm starting to enjoy this.

I pull out a grappling hook that was strapped to my waist. I throw it at a nearby building, and quickly propelled to it. Fast enough that they won't be able to do anything. But slow enough that I had to get my move on.

I dart down and around the building and following alleyways. Before I made it to a small place I call home. I double checked and went around the area a bit more to make sure nobody was following me as I slipped in.

I glanced at my new wound, it hurt like hell. I slowly brought my fingers towards it pressing on it lightly. I quickly pulled my hand away shaking it as I hissed and pain. I really hate this I really hate life at the moment or maybe in general.

I cussed at Yang when I realized we were all out of bandages. Even my private stash was empty. I made a mental note that after work I would go grab some bandages before heading off on my way to patrol again.

They were still quiet, this had me confused I knew that this was all supposed to be over and done with. After all they only go quiet when I'm in danger. Am I still in danger? Maybe I am I just don't realize it yet.

I sigh taking off my vigilante outfit, putting on the cafe outfit before heading off to do my shift. This was the first time in forever that I actually hoped that the voices would return.

(1520 Words)
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