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Rain splattered against the dark colored tigers back, the wind unbalancing him ever so slightly. The wind howled in his ears as he trotted forward, his eyes squinting, and full of determination. His paws slipped around in the squishy mud below him, forcing him to unsheath his claws in order to keep balance.
"Firepelt!" A deep voice called from behind the large striped cat.
Firepelts head whipped around, his menacing glare soon turning into a friendly smile.
"Sandstorm," he addressed the pale lynx with a small nod.
"Come quick! It's Star, it's happening!
Firepelts relaxed state soon turned into a panicked one,
"Bring me to her." He ordered.
Sandstorm sprinted away without further question, the male tiger following close behind.
They arrived at a large tree that slightly sheltered the large felines. Firepelt squinted hard against the downpour,
"Where is she?" He shouted over the howling wind.
"In here!" Sandstorm yelled in return, jestering to a small hollow in the large oak. The two cats clambered into the tight space, with the faint silhouettes of two other cats close by. It was very crammed in the tiny hollow, leaves and hanging ivy crept through the cracks in the tree, falling down just enough to touch the heads of the large cats.
"Char," Firepelt panted, "is she alright?"
"She'll live," rumbled the dark tigron, pride gleaming within the depths of his eyes.
"Has it already happened then?" Firepelt questioned, not daring to look at the Lynx-Panther mix close by, who had potentially just given birth.
"Yes, it has," Char rumbled, the pride in his eyes growing.
Firepelt breathed a sigh a relief, and looked over at Star fondly. The dark feline was watching something below her, with such love Firepelt didn't think he had felt in his entire lifetime.
"I will call them Luna and Magnolia," she whispered quietly, forcing Firepelt to strain his ears. However, there was one word that was impossible for Firepelt to miss.
"Them?" He repeated, his eyes going wide,
"You mean you had twins?" Sandstorm finished his thought. Star gave a small nod, still staring down at her two cubs.
"Th-that's wonderful!" Firepelt stammered, his excitement getting the best of him, "we haven't had twins in-in, I don't even know how long!" Staring at her cubs wonderingly, Star gave a small nod. Firepelts ears perked at the sound of leaves rustling outside, he ignored it, not wanting to ruin the moment.
"What's that?" Sandstorm questioned, obviously hearing the sound too. The rustle of leaves in the background got louder, and Star gave a small growl, scooting her cubs closer to her with a small flick of her tail.
"I'm sure it's nothing." Firepelt assured her. He was about ready to leave the small tree hollow to investigate when suddenly a large Panther entered. She was dripping with blood and panting loudly, a bright red deep gash visible against her dark fur.
"Eclipse!" Firepelt nearly shouted, rushing over to her. "What happened? What's going on? Are you okay, who did this?"
Eclipse's sides were stained with blood, and her right eye was nearly swollen shut.
"Wolves-lots-to many to-to count," she wheezed.
"How many wolves, which pack? Eclipse!"
"Too many to count, it-they..." she choked, "attacking camp, clan needs help..."
"Do you know which clan?" Firepelt asked, panic only showing in his eyes. "Eclipse! Eclipse!" But the dark black cat had passed out, and was laying half in the tree hollow, half out, bleeding almost everywhere.
"Ok-um, Char, Sandstorm, and I will head back to camp, Star and Eclipse will stay here, Star if you can find any cobwebs or anything like that, try to stop Eclipse's bleeding."
Star gave a small nod, already searching for cobwebs.
Firepelt raced out of the hollow without further question, Char and Sandstorm following after him. The only thing that passed through Firepelts head was, My clan is in danger, my clan is in danger, MY CLAN IS IN FUCKING DANGER GODDAMIT!!
Wind hissed in Firepelts ears, whispering to him to go faster, to hurry up, to make sure this wasn't the last time his clan would see the moon. Making him squint, rain slapped Firepelts face, only barely slowing him down. It seemed like centuries before the faint silhouette of his clans camp was visible. And attacking his clan, was one of the biggest wolf packs there was.
"Shit..." Firepelt muttered to no one.

Hey yall! So I haven't really been posting any chapters on this, but now that schools almost over I'm going to try and update more!! I hope you enjoyed the prologue, e know if you have any constructive criticism, or a request for something to happen in the book!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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