Eda's Requiem

Começar do início

Hooty, who comes out of nowhere, eats the mouse.
"Fear not, maiden! Hooty, the guardian owl of Ga'Hoot, has protected you once more!"
Luz glares at him.

"I was able to get the mouse back safely, but he needs to recover."
"In the meantime, this weekend is the Gland Prix!"
"Hexside, Glandus, and St. Epiderm students race to win glory, honor, and—"
"Fame! Winners also get an interview with the Boiling Isles news! Do you realize what this means?"
"We are going to enter the competition and get King on camera to send a message to his dad!"

"Oh, that's... great."
"But, uh... there's something I'd like to talk to you about first. You see, I think it's time for me to le—"
"Leave... the talkin' for later. If you want to win, there's no time for talk. You gotta go practice. Now."
"Wanna head back out while your tummy's empty?"
"Let's go!" Luz laughs joyfully as she and King exit the house.

Eda's smile soon changes into a frown and she unhappily sighs. Eda and Y/n go to Grimgrub's Pub.

"I just... don't wanna hear him say it, you know? I was finally getting used to having people in the house, then whoosh! Rug's ripped out from underneath me."
"Sure. I get it. It's like every time you come in here, I think, "maybe she'll pay her tab this time"."
Y/n crossed her arms as she looks at Kevin. Eda merely drinks the box of apple blood she has and turns her eyes over to the scene being caused in the pub.

"Hey! Back off!"
"Don't fret, citizens! We are helping this wild witch find her place in society!"
"No! I don't want to join a coven! Let me go!"
"Throw it on my tab, Kevin."
Kevin groans as Eda exits the bar with Y/n following.

"Let her go!"
"Back off, Owl Lady."
"Yeah, no coven wants a powerless witch."
Eda decks him in the face hard enough to spin his mask backwards.
"How's that for powerless?"

The crowd oohs, and Coven Guard tries to cast a spell on Eda and suddenly, music performed by a mysterious violinist witch with a mask and a group behind them starts playing and cancels out the spell.

A mysterious group with instruments and masks play music around a statue in the town square. An enchantment caused by the music appears and causes objects to start floating around, much to the crowd's amazement. The enchantment disappears as the music stops being played and the mysterious violinist speaks.

"Look at the emperor lackeys! Trying to, uh... Do I really have to say this?"
"We all agreed on the script."
"Trying to... mute the music of our hearts?" They groan, clearly embarrassed.
"And weaken magic, by forcing witches into covens against their will."

"See, you're a natural!"
"That's right, Bonesborough. They take your magic." They force the guards to kneel.

"They restrict your knowledge." They make the guards march in place. "They say to do it in the name of unity, but what they really want is control. You know what we say to that, folks? Shove off!"
They send the guards off marching, but not without making them march into trash cans.
"Stop! No, not the trash! Oh, not the trash!"

"Who are you hewoes?"
"We are the Bards Against the Throne, AKA..."
The guard puts on earmuffs as guards surround the group.
"Not entirely." Y/n smiled before Opal come out and attack the guards.

"Psst!" Eda calls them over to a manhole. The bassoonist creates a smokescreen allowing them to escape. The sewer leads to a pipe outside the city.
"End of the line, folks. Word of advice. Next time you put on a performance like that, make sure you have an exit strategy."
"Thank you. How can we ever repay you?"
"Well, you could let me join your little team."

"Hey, I may not have magic, but I am an agent of chaos."
"Sorry, we're not accepting new members."
"Is that any way to treat an old friend, Raine Whispers?"

LOVERS?                                                  EDA X FEM READER REMAKEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora