Bad Batch x reader (Echo ending)

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3rd P.O.V.

"Ooooooh me, me! I wanna take care of baby (Y/N)!!!" Wrecker shouts. He grabs them out of Crosshairs hands and tosses them into the air. The rest of the brothers freak out. Echo swiftly reaches up and caught (Y/N) before Wrecker had a chance. He then turned and started to walk away.
"Wait, where are you going." Wrecker calls

"Somewhere safe and quiet, somewhere appropriate for a baby." Echo replies only glancing back.

"Well I guess we know who is taking care of (Y/N) for the time being" Tech says returning to his work. Hunter then shrugs and the brothers go about their work. Echo continued off the ship into a near by open and deserted field. The field was lined with tall grass and clusters of small white flowers. He picks a spot and begins to stop down a small patch of grass, just enough for both echo and (Y/N) to sit down comfortable. After the ground was flattened enough, Echo sits down and sets you down on the ground in front of him. Echo sighs and watches baby (Y/N) play with some flowers under them. He smiles at their cuteness and curiosity. Their look up at him with pride as they raise their little hand to give him a flower they had found.

"Why thank you." He gladly accepted the gift with a chuckle and (Y/N) goes back to looking for flowers. Echo continues to watch fondly and remembers back to the days when he had first fallen head over heels for (Y/N). They used to be a personal medic for the 501 and had spend hours upon hours of time with the squad. Of course every one had taken a liking to them but one brother in particular had grown feelings. Echo would often use tons of excuses to spend time with the medic. From volunteering for every single supply run to going in for extra check-ins, he was determined to see them. Fives and Rex caught on pretty quickly and would often tease him about his little crush. But Echo didn't care. Some time after his... incident, (Y/N) was moved to be a medic for clone force 99. They were actually with the team on Skako Minor when Echo was saved. Rex held him close as (Y/N) did a quick assessment of health. Echo had remained silent, just staring at them. Finally, they could be together again.

"E-e..." Echo blinks and re-focuses in on the baby in front of him. (Y/N) slowing rises to their feet and struggles to balance them self. Echo's eyes widen and his jaw drops. They manage to steady them self and looks up at the clone again.

"H-hey," Echo scootches back a little bit, creating some distance between him and the baby. He then reaches his arms out. "Come on (Y/N), come to me." (Y/N) looks at echo and takes one step forward.

"Yesss! There you go! Come on." Echo exclaims excitedly. (Y/N) smiles, giggles, and slowly waddles towards the clone. The closed they get, the more excited Echo gets. They finally reach Echo and jump into his arms. "Yesss!!! Good job!!!" (Y/N) squeals in excitement as Echo hugs them tight.

"E... e..." Echo pulls away slightly to see (Y/N) looking up at him. "E... e... esshh...ecccchhh" Realization hit him like a bus. Little baby (Y/N) was trying to say his name.

"Echo!!!" They shouted with excitement. Echo was absolutely dumb founded and he didn't know what to do. Realizing this, baby (Y/N) leaned into his chest again attempting to give him a hug. His eyes pricked with tears as he wrapped his arms around (Y/N) again. In that moment it was as if time stood still. Warmth was felt all around and neither of them wanted to move. Reluctant, Echo pulled away again, looking to the sky then to look at (Y/N).

"Well (Y/N). Looks like it's getting late. The sun is setting. We should get back." Echo picks (Y/N) up and starts slowly walking to the ship. They begin to get fussy to catch echos attention. He stops and holds them out in front of him. "What?" (Y/N) then pointed to a large rock a way off. Echo sighed knowing what they wanted. During their time of knowing each other together, whenever Echo and (Y/N) could get the chance they would stand go and watch the sun rise and/or set together. Didn't matter what planet they were on. If they could catch a moment to watch the sun together, they would. Echo smiled at those memory's and walked to the rock. He climbed it and sat a top. After placing the baby beside him, Echo looks out at the beautiful sight. He was so distracted by its beauty that he didn't notice (Y/N) glowing a bright hue of (F/C). They had changed back to their normal size and age. Shocked they look around to realize what's going on. (Y/N) looks at the unsuspecting clone they had grown to loves.

"Beautiful." They stated as Echo whips his head around.

"(Y/N)!" He exclaims as he wraps his arms around them. Shocked they hug back. Realizing his actions, Echo let's go quickly and fakes a cough. "I mean, welcome back (Y/N)" he says sheepishly causing (Y/N) to laugh.

"What are you talking about?" They look around, confused. "Where are we?" They look back to Echo. "What happened?"

"It's a long story." Echo chuckled and smiled.

"You should really smile more often. I love seeing you smile." Echo blushes at (Y/N)'s comment.

"Yeah well..." (Y/N) gently grabs Echo's chin, making him face them. He stopped speaking as we was unsure what was happening. (Y/N) just smiles and brings him closer until they can feel his breath in their face. Echo was frozen. (Y/N) closed their eyes then closed the gap between Echo and them. The kiss was cut short when (Y/N) pulled away. Echo hungered for more and pulled back in for another kiss. This time more passionate. The two only pulled away again when they became desperate for air. Echo and (Y/N) smiled at each other then turned back to the sun set. Echo wrapped his arm around (Y/N) and they in turn rested their head on his shoulder. He rested his head on theirs as the sun fell farther and farther behind the horizon.

They didn't have to say it. It had been there all along. Echo loves (Y/N) and they love him. A love that would never be broken. Not by time or the empire.


(1091 words)


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