Chapter 23 More revelations

Start from the beginning

"Thank you Albus now rest." Said Harry, and the vapor disapeard back in the tomb. Harry took hold of the elder wand and he felt the magic flow through him. He knew that the wand still saw him as it master and felt relieved about that. He and Minerva closed Dumbledore's tomb again and went to Ron and Hermione. 

"What was that what came out if the tomb?" Asked Ron. "It looked like professor Dumbledore. What did he say, what happened to Ginny?"
"Voldemort." Was all Harry could say before his knees couldn't hold him anymore and he hit the grass. 
He sat there looking at his friends fear in his eyes. How? He was gone he was really gone. So how did he posses her again.
"What do you mean Harry?" Hermione asked him. "I will tell you at the hospital I need to get there now!" At that moment Fawkes appeared in the sky above them.
He held out his tail to Harry who without thinking grabbed it. "I' ll see you there." He said and in a flash of fire the phoenix and Harry were gone.
Ron, Hermione and McGonagall stood there in the grounds. "What was that all about." Said a stunned Ron. "It seemed Ginny was possessed by Voldemort." Said McGonagall, "but Harry knows something more I guess. He will tell you when you arrive at the hospital. I will return to the school now and won't look back." She added. She turned around and started walking back to the school. Hermione pulled Ron with her towards the school. "Miss. Granger the gates are the other way." McGonagall said from the corner of her mouth. Hermione finally got the hint and with Ron running beside her she haded for the gates. 

Outside she and Ron apparated to St. Mungo. When they were in the lobby the could see that there was a lot of commotion going on. The went to the information desk and wanted to ask the healer for Ginny's room. "Can you believe it?" The heard her say to her colleague "He came directly in her room with a phoenix. I never knew Harry Potter had a phoenix. He gave the poor girls parents almost an heart attack."
"Can you please tell me the poor girls room please." Said Ron with raised voice. 
"Huh? Oh sorry dears but no I can not." The nurse said before turning towards them.
When she saw that it was Ron and Hermione standing in front of her desk she almost fell of her chair. "Sorry Mr. Weasley off course you can know. Hello Miss Granger I am so sorry. Please we had a lot of people who wanted to get in here today so we aren't allowed to let anybody pass here. But off course you may pass. Go right in." She said as she blushed.
"We would love to go in but what room?" Said Ron.
After some more blushing and stuttering they got the room and went straight in. When Ron and Hermione entered the hall way they could see Ron's parents standing outside a door where they could not get in to. "Oh boy," Said Hermione, "this is not good." "Mom, dad how is she." Ron asked his parents as they were just a few feet away from them. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley jumped at the sound of their youngest sons voice. "Ron, Hermione what a surprise." Said Mrs. "Weasley, how did you come here? Weren't you at school?"
"Mom what is going on, we should be furious at you two for not telling us, but that will be for a later time, all I want to know now is how my sister is doing?" Said Ron in a cool voice.
Mrs. Weasley looked hurt at Ron. "She is hurt bad by the backfire she got." She finally said. "They don't know what happened to her and it looks like her whole body is working to repel any treatment they try."
"Mrs. Weasley why are you here in the Hall way?" Asked Hermione.  At this Mrs. Weasley started crying. "Well the problem is we were sitting beside here when Harry appeared with a phoenix in the middle of the room. He looked furious and shouted at us. We panicked and fled the room. When we were here he closed it and now we can't come in. He used some sort of anti apperation spell that when you want to inside directs you to the next room and asks you a question." "Okay Ron lets go." Hermione said. She grabbed Ron and turned on the spot and apparated inside the room. Just as she expected they were placed in the next room. "Who was it who opened with me the tomb of Albus Dumbledore?" Said Harry's voice. "Minerva McGonagall." Said Hermione and she and Ron were transported to the room of Ginny. Harry was sitting beside Ginny holding her hand tears falling on the floor.
"I am sorry, I should have known, please don't leave me Ginny I can't go on without you be strong for me just a little longer." He kept saying this over and over.
Hermione walked over to him and when her hand touched his shoulder he turned and fell in her arms and cried. "I promised her to keep her safe, I promised." He cried. "Harry what happened to her?" Hermione asked. "I will tell all of you not just now. We need to act now if we are to help her please Hermione, Ron help me. Please help me." Harry pleaded.
"Off course we help mate what do you need? It was the first thing Ron said and in his eyes you could see the determination that he would do anything to help his best friend and his sister.
"The spell we did to fight Voldemort." Said Harry. "Do it and stand guard. I will explain later but we need to act fast." "Alright, but than you need a dreamless sleep potion where do you think you can get that." Said Hermione.
"Mione we are in a hospital." Said Ron who could not believe the question.
"You go and get the potions Ron." Said Harry who was getting his fighting spirit back. "You can now apperate directly in the room. You know the potions we need." Ron nodded and was gone. He apparated beside his mother. "What is going on in there." Said a medi-witch. We need to see the patient now so open this door young man. Ron looked at the medi-whitch and smiled. "Good." He said, "just in time. I need a dreamless sleep potion, a leglimental potion and 2 drops of Felix Felicis, and I need them yesterday." "You need what?" Asked the medi-witch. "Who do you think you are young man? I don't think you know where you are but in a hospital it is the doctors who of the healing." Ron who was getting angry looked at the witch and than at his parents. He than just bursted. "Well I know who I am but do you? I am Ronald Weasley, I helped Harry Potter in his fight against Voldemort and if they," he points to his parents, "would have woken us up like they should have we would not have this discussion and my sister would be on her way to recovery. Now get those potions I asked for or I will tear this building down looking for them." At the mentioning of his, Harry's and Voldemort's name the witch flinched. She looked scared now at Ron. "I am sorry Mr. Weasley I didn't recognize you. I will get the potions right away." The medi-witch kept her word and ran off to get the potions. "Ronald Bilius Weasley you will tell me now what is going on." His mother yelled at him.
"No I will not," Ron yelled back, "you had your chance in showing your trust in us and instead you put a knife in our back. Now you will have to wait and hope we are willing to tell you what happened."
"That is my little girl in there." Mrs. Weasley cried. 
"I know," Ron yelled back, "and my sister now back off and let us help her."

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