Chapter 14: Kiss the Lady

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At last, the fated day at Night Raven College had arrived...

It was the Spelldrive Tournament!

The streets surrounding the prestigious school were filled with stands open with food, beverages, or attractions. And walking these paths were many people, whether that be students from RSA and NBC, adults with magic abilities, recruiters, or just regular students from normal schools.

Fortunately for the NRC students, they were permitted to wear their dorm uniforms during the day of the tournament, unless they were playing then they would get to change into their gym clothes temporarily for the game. Crowley has been enforcing this rule for countless years, since it helps ensure that his precious students are easily distinguishable and do not get lost within the busy crowd of visitors. And of course, this rule went for the two girls as well.

NRC is famously known throughout the world as a leader in the sport, and the school has produced countless pro players. Therefore, their Spelldrive Tournaments attract attention even from pro league recruiters, which is the main reason why so many people attended the event—even magicless individuals, the 'norm'.

And who was but delighted in the fact that every single seat in the arena was sold? The Octavinelle Housewarden himself.

Walking down the busy streets of their school, phone held in one hand and cane clutched in the other, Azul could not hold back his grin. The #NightRavenCollege, #NRC, and #Spelldrive tags on Magicam were trending and flooded with posts about this event, and that could not make the octo-boy happier, for it meant that his managing was already a massive success before it even ended.

"What you lookin' at, 'Zul?" the Lady of Diasomnia, Vanessa, peaked over Azul's shoulder to look at his phone. The Lady was currently walking at his left side, where he held his phone, while the Leech twins walked ever-so slightly behind the two.

Much to Malleus' dismay, he would be busy with prepping for the tournament in addition to Lilia, Silver and Sebek... which meant there was no one left to watch his Lady.

Yet fortunately for them, although Floyd would be participating in the tournament, Azul and Jade were not and therefore would be able to provide valid protection in the midst of the crowded chaos.

After all, who knew what shady, evil individuals would be present on this day...

But having the three watch her put the prince's mind at easy... somewhat.

Azul couldn't help but softly smile at her curious eyes, feeling his heart want to burst out of his chest. He quietly sighed as he shut his phone off and shoved it into his pocket, "Simply checking the event's popularity online."

As of current, the four were wandering the streets of the festival so that Azul could watch out for any souls failing to fulfill their job requirements.

And as Lady Diasomnia continued to examine the stands around her in addition to the Octavinelle trio... all she could hear was her stomach growling.

"Hey, guys?" Vanessa nervously spoke up, suddenly stopping in her tracks. The three instantly halted, turning around to face the nervous-looking Lady. "Somethin' wrong, Vanie?" Floyd leaned his head to the side, hands shoved into his pockets while his brother next to him had a hand pressed to his chest.

The blackette fumbled with her fingers, feeling embarrassed to ask... which the three instantly picked up on. Lifting his cane off the ground, Azul walked over to the nervous girl before him and placed a hand on her shoulder. Her body flinched, and her head snapped up to find him smiling softly down at her. "What seems to be bothering you, my dear?"

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