016||Trent Alexander Arnold

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I WAS LAYING in bed, my phone occupying my time as i waited for my boyfriends return from his match. His brothers, marcel and tyler came over just over half an hour ago, wanting to spend time with trent once he came back.

As soon as I heard the door open, I came down the stairs to greet my boyfriend. "babe, you're back" i smiled, moving towards him.

Trent was surprised and a little bit relieved to see me there, he wasn't expecting anyone to be waiting for him. "oh, hey." He said, returning a smile but still sounding a little flat after the game. "i didn't think anyone would still be up."

Marcel and tyler were nearby, watching us two interact while they waited for their turn to talk to trent.

"yeah, we all decided to wait for you" i wondered if i should hug him but guessing by his behavior, he wasn't the usual.

"well, i appreciate that." he said, forcing a smile.

"come on, get changed and we'll be waiting for you" marcel said, giving trent a light nudge.

Trent nodded, not arguing the point, and went up the stairs towards his room, marcel and tyler exchanged a curious look, also noticing his mood drop.

Trent opened the door to his room, which was right near the top of the stairs, stepping inside, letting me follow him inside.

His brothers took it upon themselves to boot up his xbox and get a game of FIFA going while their brother got changed.

"babe? what's wrong?" i spoke breaking the silence.

"oh, nothing." he said, trying to brush off my concerns, digging in his wardrobe to find something to change into.

"come on, you walked in, not a single 'hi' or 'how are you', you hadn't even greeted your brothers properly, there has to be something wrong" I stated, knowing that he is acting different.

Trent sighed, not wanting to argue with me, nor deny what i was saying. "i don't know," he paused "i'm just feeling a little down about the game tonight."

"i tried watching most of the match and by the looks of it, you did completely fine"

"but i didn't," he sighed, continuing to dig through his wardrobe.

"i'm supposed to be the vice-captain and yet today, i played terribly," he muttered, feeling disheartened about his performance.

"you were trying your best, it's only natural to make some mistakes," I reassured him, moving closer to kiss him on the forehead.

Trent seemed to pause, taking a deep breath and letting it go before speaking again. "i can't mess up, i'm supposed to be our strongest player, i have to be the best."

"okay, so you messed up this time," I shrugged, continuing my attempt to reassure him. "nobody's perfect, you know, we all make mistakes."

"it's not just a few mistakes," he snapped, turning around to face me and speaking in a low tone. "i'm the reason why we lost tonight. the coach took me out of the game because of it."

I was shocked at how fast he'd snapped at me, it was completely unlike him though i knew he was very competitive, usually, he'd be a little more patient with me, but for some reason, today, he was behaving differently.

"hey," I said, gently placing my hand on his shoulder. "you can't blame yourself for everything that goes wrong you know. sometimes you gotta step up and accept the fact that it's not just you who did wrong in this situation."

Trent shook his head, getting a bit worked up as got up from his position and continued to pace around his room. "i can't believe that, it's my fault that the game went the way it did, i could've been better, i should've been better. It was all my fault."

"stop being so hard on yourself," I said, moving close to place my arms around his body. "it's not the end of the world, i'm sure you'll do much better next game."

Trent hugged me back tightly, finally calming down. "i hope so" he mumbled, burrowing his head into my arms.

"you gonna change now or you still wanna pout?" i laughed a little.

"pft," he scoffed, trying to hide his smile from me. "shut up, i'm not pouting."

"you so are," I teased, squeezing his cheeks gently. "go change, your brothers are waiting for you, marcel got on your xbox and everything."

"fine," he muttered, finally pulling back and looking at me. "they must've been waiting for ages" he said, finally starting to walk towards his wardrobe to change into a fresh outfit.

i gave him a quick kiss just before he left the room, letting the three of them finally catch up.


just a short one for today 😭

no bc we all know how competitive trent gets so i thought it was only right to make one about him, also bc someone asked for a trent one so yeah 😊

honestly, i'm kinda slipping off bc i don't update regularly anymore but like it's not my fault i want to burn my whole school in it with certain people inside. (ily guys, don't report me 🥰🙂)

(remember to interact with my chapters and follow my account, thank you!)

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