Cafeteria Fight

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A week has come and gone in a flash since Jaune and his Pokemon came to Remnant. Since then the young Pokemon trainer from Paldea has been doing his best to adapt to the situation at hand.

When asked about his Pokemon, he says the creatures he found, which is technically the truth. What he did not expect was how popular his Pokemon would become with the students of Beacon, or how people would try to sneak onto the school grounds to get a picture of the mysterious creatures that no one has ever seen before. Just yesterday someone tried to take Tinkatuff, which was a mistake as the hatter pokémon ended up taking their weapon and adding the metal onto her hammer.

The students of Beacon quickly figured out that these Pokemon as Jaune calls them should not be messed with as it's clear they're quite strong.

That made them question why they would listen to a human in the first place, but none of them had the courage to ask.

Jaune and his Pokemon on the other hand have been dealing with the constant stress of being the local celebrities of the school. Luckily it appeared that no one outside the school knew about his Pokemon, and that was no small part due to the headmaster. The young Pokemon trainer knew that the moment the outside world learned of his Pokemon, someone would come after them.

That is why he and his Pokemon have been constantly training, getting ready for the day that someone would come after them, and make them regret it!

For know, it was time to take a break as it was lunch time.

"So there we were, surrounded by a horde of Ursa."said Nora, who was currently telling the group about the dream she had last night.

"They were Beowolves."corrected Ren, as Nora told him to dream last night and he knew that she had a tendency to over exaggerate.

"There were hundreds of them "


Yang was listening with interest, while Blake was trying to read a book next to her. Weiss was on her scroll, as Ruby noticed that Jaune looked exhausted.

"Jaune, are you okay?"the leader of team RWBY asked out of concern.

"I'm fine...why?"inquired Jaune, wanting to know why Ruby was concerned.

"It's just that you've been a little out of it. Ever since someone tried to take Tinkatuff."said Pyrrha, who knows that her partner has not been sleeping well, ever since someone tried to steal the hammer Pokemon.

"I'm fine. I'm just a little paranoid, that's all."said Jaune, before he let out a loud yawn.

"It's more than a little paranoia."said Ren."You when you go to sleep unless you made sure the locks to the dorm room were locked securely. And did you have to push the bookshelf in front of the front door?"

"Hey, when your friends are in danger! You do everything in your power to protect them."said Jaune, to which Ren couldn't deny.

"You guys got to understand that Crocor, Tinkatuff, Staravia, Flaaffy, Ogerpon, Artibax, and Koraidon are probably the most valuable creatures on the planet. There is nothing like them anywhere on the face of Remnant, and I'm worried someone's going to try to make a profit off of them."said Jaune, who knew this as he has gone several offers on his new scroll from people claiming to be collectors.

"As long as you're here at Beacon, I'm sure nothing bad is going to happen to them."said Blake, feeling like that should be obvious.

"Yeah! The headmaster has your back."said Yang, who agreed with her partner.

"Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it."said Jaune, before he heard a song that got everyone's attention.

"Ow, that hurts!"said a brown-haired rabbit faunus, who was currently having her ear pulled by Cardin Winchester, leader of team CRDL.

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