Battle In The Emerald Forest

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Weiss Schnee has not had it easy ever since you came to Beacon Academy. Ever since she arrived at the school for future huntsman, an annoying brat in the form of Ruby Rose has been a constant pain in her neck. Not only did she accidentally explode them at the front gate, but she also ended up somehow becoming her partner for the next 4 years after running into her. It that wasn't bad enough, because of Ruby they were now on the body of a Nevermore high up in the sky.

"Ruby, I told you this was a terrible idea!"shouted Weiss, angry that Ruby talked her into getting on to the Nevermore.

"We're fine! Stop worrying!"replied Ruby.

"I'm so beyond worrying!"retorted Weiss.

"In a good way?"questions Ruby, with a bit of hope in her voice as she's been wanting to be friends with Weiss ever since they got here, but the heiress hasn't made it easy one bit.

"In a bad way! in a very bad way."replied Weiss as loud as she could, that way Ruby didn't get the wrong idea.

"Then why don't we just jump!"suggested Ruby, causing Weiss to look at her as if she was insane.

"What are you?! Insane."shouted Weiss, who didn't get a reply as Ruby had already jumped off the nevermore...!

"Oh, you insufferable little red!"shouted Weiss, angry that she had been left behind and by the fact that Ruby actually did her crazy plan.

Meanwhile, on the ground Yang Xiao Long, Ruby's older half sister and her new partner, Blake Belladonna had just reached the ruins where the relics AKA chess pieces were located.

"Blake, did you hear something?"said Yang, in which Blake responded by pointing up to the sky.

Yang looked up to see her little sister falling from the sky!

"Heads up!"shouting Ruby, before she was knocked out of the sky by Jaune and Koraidon, courtesy of the paradox Pokemon's extreme jumping ability.

"Phew... that was a close one!"said Jaune, before he realized that he was holding Ruby like a princess.

This made him uncomfortable, and was very relieved the fact that Ruby was confused by the whole thing as she appeared to be dizzy.

"Ah, what was that?"asked Ruby, not noticing Jaune get down from his Pokemon so he can let her back on the floor.

"Did your sister just fall from the sky? And was she just rescued by a guy riding a giant red lizard?"questions Blake, but before Yang could respond, more craziness happened.

Within seconds of Blake asking her question, several trees nearby were knocked to the ground as a giant Ursa came barreling through the forest. It look like it was ready to attack the group, before it fell to the floor, where was revealed that a girl with orange hair had been riding it like a pony...?

"Ah, it's broken."said the orange haired girl with disappointment, before she went over to inspect the Ursa.

A boy about her age wearing what could be described as traditional clothing infused with modern clothing appeared soon after, clearly out of breath.

"Nora, please... don't ever do that again."said the boy, before he noticed that the girl named Nora was she literally disappeared from the spot she was just standing on a moment earlier...?

"Oh..."said Nora, who is now near the ruins and had grab one of the golden chess pieces.

"I'm Queen of the castle, I'm Queen of the castle, I'm Queen of the castle!"sang Nora over and over again.

"Nora!"shouted the young man, who's clearly had enough of Nora's antics for one day.

"Hehehe, coming Ren."said the girl, before she made her way over to the guy named Ren.

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