Chapter 6

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"Momm what's taking so long? Late na ako" Cassie irritatedly asked while her arms crossed

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"Momm what's taking so long? Late na ako" Cassie irritatedly asked while her arms crossed.

My blood boils everytime she complains about everything kaya hindi ko mapigilang sermonan sya.

"Cassie can you just shut up for a moment? That attitude of yours is so annoying, argh!"

"Excuse me?? Who are you to tell me to keep my mouth shut??" she replied with a displeasing tone.

"Nakakairita na nga yung traffic dumagdag ka pa" wika ko sabay irap ng mata.

"Both of you stop. As the oldest, you shouldn't start a fight with your sister. Dalawa na nga lang kayo mag-aaway pa kayo" mom interjected while facing us in the backseat, that made us blame each other onwards.

"But she started it" I mumbled

"I didn't!"

Mom was about to scold us when dad out of nowhere cussed "shit" as if he was shocked. Sirens of ambulance started to take over the place.

"What's going on?" I asked out of curiosity since i didn't have that much perspective from the backseat.

"I don't know sweetie" dad answered.

The vehicles started moving slowly. I glanced through the window to see what was happening as we pass by.

What I saw horrified me. It was some old man's dead body on the ground being examined by the cops. What's horrifying is that his right arm is under the tire separated away from its body. It's bloody alright...Ugh! This give me heeby gibees even tho i watch horror movies and documentaries about murder...It's my first time encountering this kind of scenery.

"Poor guy, got crushed by a truck. He seems homeless too" mom said in concern.

After hearing what my mom said shattered my heart more than Liam did...A HOMELESS MAN?? That's satire.

It's my birthday yet a very unlucky day.

I stared at the dead body for awhile like I was some detective looking for clues. Suddenly, its fingers moved.

What the hell? Is it just me or did that dead body just moved?!?

That can't possibly move if the head's already been squashed, but I just witnessed it moved. How strange.


It's 6:30 am, we finally arrived in school. Cassie quickly got out of the car while I picked up my bag who's heavy as a stack of brick.

I hurriedly got out, my parents drove off, and because of my clumsiness I tripped over....Oh good. How can this day get any worse! Fuck this combat. These aren't even similar to boots, it's a whole rubber covering my feet.

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