"Lady... What are you going on about?"

The woman grabs Angel's face and takes her mask off. The woman revealed ruby-colored eyes and mint green hair, the same color as Angel's hair. Tears streamed from her red eyes. "N... notalzopiltan? is that you!?"

Meanwhile, Yuri was running as fast as she could, but she could hear footsteps getting closer and closer. Instead of being scared, it just pissed her off. She quickly turned around to face the man "Hey ass hole! what weirdo chases a little girl!? What's your deal? huh!?"

The man was silent before tilting his head and crossing his arms. "How strange. You look exactly like my son." 

Yuri cringes and takes a step back. "That's even weirder don't you get that!?"

"It's not. It's endearing."

"No, it's not! That could never be endearing!" Yuri argued

"It is endearing."

"No, it's not!"

"Is too."

"Is not!"

"You're right."

"No, I'm-" Yuri growls. "Is this some joke to you!?" Yuri says annoyed. "I'm not taking crap from some mortal when I am a goddess. Especially if it's an old man who's acting like a child."

"Mortal? Old man?"

"Am I wrong or something?"

"...I guess the old man part is right." The man says offended.

"So you're immortal? No matter." Yuri throws her hair over her shoulder "I am a Goddess compared to scum like yourself. And I do not take too kindly to disrespect!" Yuri says ready to fight.

The condescending tone felt familiar. "...You also sound a lot like my son when he was your age."

"That's that old man shit I was just talking about! Stop beating weird!"

"Girl. Who is your kinfolk?"

"Huh? Girl?!" At this point, Yuri is fuming. "What's it to you!?"

"HAAAWK!" A voice rang out. The Woman came running full speed with Angel over her shoulder. "I think this boy is-" She stops and looks at Yuri. Tears began to well up in her eyes. "It's the spitting image."

Yuri frowns. "Who the heck are you? Let go of my brother!"

The woman squeals and holds Yuri close while also holding Angel. "THEY LOOK JUST LIKE HIIIIMMMMM!" The woman cried.

"WHAT THE HELL!? LET GO OF US!!" Yuri yelled desperately trying to escape her grasp, but the woman was incredibly strong.

The man takes off his mask. Long, midnight purple strands were revealed. His gold eyes looked at the woman with concern. "Nirva, let them go. I know what you're thinking, and you should stop it. These kids aren't who you think they are. They are some randos."

"How could you look them in the eyes and say they don't look like him!?"

"Woman, you are delusional, woman. The chances of that happening are one out of a billion!"

"I am not delusional, I AM A MOTHER!" She says wailing.

Yuri began to heal Angel while they argued. Angel moved his arm while Hawk and Nirva argued. He kicked Nirva in the stomach and Yuri jumped away.

Angel grabbed Yuri and threw her onto his back and they both flew away. 

"Nirva!" Hawk called out concerned.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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