Vigilante Deku

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(This is if before the class went on a quest to get Deku back ochako found him in an alleyway, I like to think she could have done secret patrols to try and find him)

He'd been running, for so long he'd forgotten what it felt like to be relaxed and his muscles begun crying out in pain, he was wounded and in excruciating pain and cried out often when he jumped buildings.

He's exhausted and hungry but too stubborn to stop anywhere long enough to eat, he just was too scared to stop in fear off being around civilians while being hunted.

For the last 20 minutes he'd been stumbling his way across buildings before crashing into a alley way, slumping against the wall in agony.

At this time Ochako had been on her secret patrols, she was so worried for Izuku she wanted to find him and either take him home or if she can't do that at least patch him and feed him with the supplies she brought every patrol.

This was her 4th patrol and she wasn't as hopeful to finding him unlike in the beginning, she was getting panicky having no idea on how to find him, until she heard a loud crash and a groan.

She rushes to the sounds of distress and enters the alley way, coming across a obviously exhausted and in Pain Izuku Midoriya, she gasped as she spotted the poor beaten boy.

"Oh Deku!" She called as she fell to her knees at his side, pulling back his mask and feeling his forehead, he had a high fever and seemed to be struggling to breathe, she checked his chest and found a chest wound, then moving to each limb she ended up counting 11 bullet like wounds, she understood why he was struggling so much now.

"Oh my sweet, you have got to be in so much pain" she spoke softly "let me take you home please?"

"I-I can't Uraraka, I can't put everyone in danger like that" he cried.
She held him in her arms as he cried, soothing him as best she could trying to avoid touching his wounds, it was hard as he was extremely wounded.

"Then at least let's take refuge in the building over there" she pointed to an abandoned building, it was an old apartment building that was supposed to be torn down but wasn't yet.

She used her quirk to lighten his clothes, and she than lifted him up taking him to the building, he still cried in her arms in pain, he hadn't felt comfort for so long, once she held him he broke down, tears mixed with relief and pain.

Setting him up in the building was easy, she set up a make shift bed from her kit, and then put up a light so she could patch him up, pulling out food water and first aid. ( she's like fucking Mary Poppins)

"Lay down Deku and let me take care of you" she spoke to him, she held his hand rubbing circles into his soft skin in a comforting way. She reached for the first aid kit and started pulling bandages, saline and alcohol wipes for small wounds.

"I need you to pull down your hero suit so I can patch you up" she spoke out as she pulled out medical tape just in case she needed it, he followed her instruction, and slipped off Gran Torino's scarf and unzipped his suit to his waist, she blushed a bit but shook it off.

She finally saw the extent of his injuries, he shouldn't be able to walk at all like this and she hated that he'd been suffering alone.

She silently started to work on his wounds, pouring saline into the deepest wounds and alcohol wiping his still nasty but not as deep wounds.

"I've been worried sick about you Deku" she spoke after moments of silence, "you just confess to such a heavy thing as One for all and being hunted and then left, you had me panicking."

"Im so sorry Ura" he went to reply.
"Just call me Ochako, we've been friends for long enough for you to call me Ochako" she cuts him off.
He took a deep breath before continuing "I'm so sorry Ochako, I just couldn't handle the idea of Shigiraki decaying you and class 1-A, it terrifies me to think about it, and I couldn't say anything about one for all because I was sworn to secrecy, but honestly it hurt me to not tell the truth, especially to you." He spoke softly until he gritted his teeth at the sting of alcohol on his wounded arm.

"It's okay, I was mad at first, more worried if anything, but I came to understand how dangerous it would have been to tell anyone" she said with a small smile.

" you shouldn't stay near me long" he whispered a tear slipping down his cheek "you could die, Ochako I couldn't handle that" he placed his scarred hand on her cheek, rubbing with his thumb lovingly.

She leaned into the warmth of his hand, "No I won't die, because I'm a fighter just like you, I want to stand with you, not away from you."

She did a few finishing touches on the bandages before rolling up his pant legs to clean the bullet wounds and patch them too.
Packing up the kit she then pulled the food and water over to him.

He scoffed it down like he'd never eaten in his life, she had brought out sushi, rice and Udon in a small bowl for him, he had been so grateful for the food, he then downed the whole water bottle, wishing there was more and to his surprise Ochako brought another two bottles out.

Putting the food container and water bottles away she leant into him, "okay I've patched you up, fed you and given you a bed, I should probably head back to UA now" she rubbed his cheek, looking into his tired eyes and wishing his smile came back, she then tried to get up but felt a hand grab her wrist.

"I love you Ochako" he whispered, "I'm sorry for hurting you and running away but now that your with me, I have to let you know that I love you, and that's why I can't come back to you, because it'd break me to see you hurt" he looked into her eyes and saw little tears trailing down her cheek, much like his own.

"Oh Izuku, I love you too"she smiled softly one of the most genuinely happy smiles "I miss you everyday and all I want to do is hug you and take you home, but I know it's more complicated then that"

she didn't care that he smelled a bit, it was bound to happen when he's a guy on the run at all times, but she wanted to be close to him.

"Stay with me for a little bit? I haven't slept in 9 days and I don't think I could if I didn't have you" he whispered.

"Of course, I'll stay up so you can sleep, I want you to feel safe to sleep" she scooted into the makeshift bed with him and wrapped her arms around him and pulled his head to her chest to snuggle him in.

For the first time in a long time Izuku felt at peace, he held into Ochako like she was his last piece of sanity, in reality she really was.

Before resting fully he pulled his head up and came face to face with Ochako, he then moved forward and slowly locked lips with her, moving in sync with her own lips, taking in the comfort he gained from kissing her and he thought to himself 'I could get addicted to this,' as he melted into her , holding her hand that sat beside her while sucking in her bottom lip before parting only by an inch.

When they pulled back he finally nuzzled himself into her neck, she spoke up softly "let's meet here at night, so you can get some sleep, food and snuggles"

"That... sounds... good" Izuku mumbled before falling asleep in the warmth of Ochakos arms.

(Finished this at 3am so I'll do some editing sometime later in the day)

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