10 || royal capital

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"Are you sure you don't want to stay in the estate?" Dante asked again. Like all nobles, the Tolls family had a mansion located in the Capital, albeit smaller than others.

Neo nodded. He could never get used to living extravagantly. Now that he had a choice, he decided to just rent out a room in an inn. It's easier to sneak out this way, you see.

"As you wish, then. Since we've arrived earlier than expected, is there anywhere you'd like to see? There were a few stalls—"

"Nope! I'm going back to my room."

"Eh? Wait, My Lord..."

"If you're willing to, you can take a walk around with Dal Yun." Neo suddenly moved the sleeping blue bird on his head to Dante's arm, jolting him awake. "Here's some money. Buy anything you want."

The brunet waved and shut his door.

"He's more introverted than I remembered him to be..."

Assuring the both of them had left, Neo used illusion magic to escape through the window, away from the masses' prying eyes. Leaping to a forest he had his eye on when they had entered the capital, he rubbed his wrists and stretched his muscles. He was eager to test out his barrier spell—the royal palace incident was soon about to take place, so he couldn't be complacent. He had to properly train.

You may ask why he's training his skills as if he intends to tank a bomb head-on... Well, you're right.

As for the reasons — you'll have to see for yourself. Neo is quite the plotter, despite being scatterbrained at times.

"Hm. I'd have to thicken it a bit and concentrate it into one area... How big is the impact? Damn... It won't work if it can't even last against my strongest fire spell. In the beginning, fire was never my strong trait. Wait, is it possible to contain the explosion? Hm..."

After several days of testing, a barrier spell, with a design like a crepe cake, has been perfected. Although he was a little disappointed he couldn't bring his other idea to a fail-safe spell, he decided that it was good enough. After all, he also needed to do an act.

When he had headed back to his room, a dove knocked on the glass planes, indicating the arrival of a message. He untied the piece of rolled-up parchment on the dove's ankles and began reading through, sipping a glass of water.

The letter was from Neo's little brother, Leo, who would give him frequent updates about the recent occurrences in the territory. Neo specifically asked him to do so, just in case anything happened. The contents were fairly normal.

[Dear brother!

Harley and the other children are doing good. They said that thanks to you, they didn't have to worry about getting food anymore. The orphanage you built is being run by priests and healers approved by Father, so you can rest your heart! I went to check on the deserted areas too, and everyone seems to be recuperating well, just like you said. Sometimes it's hard to believe you're my brother. What's your secret?

Oh, and, the mining project you mentioned before—Father is planning it well. I think it'll be ready by the time you come back, so come back quickly!]

Neo chuckled. 'That brat's handwriting had gotten better, hadn't it?' As he read on, the smile on his face was quickly wiped out by a frown.

[Mr. Venion Sten also came by before he left for the Royal Capital just like you. I wonder when this letter has reached you? This time, he bought a lot of supplements. He said that they were made of precious herbs and fruits, and he got them through a supplier who had too many. I've had one—it works just like he says! I felt like I could do a hundred laps around the estate. I left a few for you, so try some when you come back!

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