35) The first kill

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"He's doing as good as we are!"He shouts just as she hits my leg with some of her water making me buckle.

I'm going to have some nasty bruises.

Mako and I finally work out a system that gives us the opportunity to evaporate her water and back her into a corner.

"You have no water."Mako says as he alights flames in his hands once again.

"And no where to run. It's over."I say and she smirks.

"Not yet."she says as she ducks and jumps into a hole.

Mako jumps after her and I hesitate for just a second before jumping in after him.

I narrowly miss Mall and hear a splash when I land. Shit.

My close get soaked and they start feeling super heavy.

I feel the panick in me rise as I create a flame in my hand once again.

I turn behind me to see Ming-hau there, holding herself up with about a dozen water arms.

"Now it's over!"she shouts.
Mako grabs my arm and we start running through the water.

Mako tells me to go left and starts firing at Ming-hua.

I decide to once in my life listen as I run to the sharp rocks.

I reach a bit of sand and a group of rocks.

I can't go any further and decide to climb onto the rocks to maybe get an advantage point.

I watch as Mako is thrown against the rocks and manages to hold on.

I can see that Mako is a bit besides himself and won't be able to block her next move.

I'm to far to do anything and squeeze my hot hands in thought. I need to do something.

Ming-hua lets out a cackle and raises two of her water arms to bring them down on Mako one last time.

I  feel the adrenaline in me spike and stretch out my hand in an attempt to stop it.

"Mako!"I shout as my ears start ringing.

Suddenly the heat in my hand becomes unbearable and lighting erupts out of it.

It hits the water, causing it to spread to Ming-hua just as she was about to hit Mako.

She screams in agony and starts stumbling backwards which makes me release what I'm doing. I rip my hand back towards me, making the lightning stop.

I watch as she suddenly stops moving and hits the sand, that was now beneath her. I stare at her as all her movements stop. I killed her.

I drop on the sand below me and stare at my hands in shock.

Mako comes running up next to me and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"I killed her."I mutter and Mako looks over at Ming-hua but doesn't say anything.

"Mako, I killed another human being without hesitation.I'm a murderer."I say a bit louder this time.

Mako shakes my shlouders a bit,"You are not a murderer, Sophie. You only shot the lighting to protect me. If anything it's my fault that you had to do it. We both were responsible. Okay?"Mako asks and nods once.

He's just trying to make me feel better, I killed her.

"Now let's get out of here."Mako says and we start climbing up the slippery walls back to the hole we jumped through.

I take one last look at Ming-hua's body before climbing back through the hole.

Mako helps me out and we run back to where we started to be faced with Bolin being backed up by Ghanzan.

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