Extra 2A

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Fifth year

"The absolute nerve!" Poppy kicked in the door to the fifth year dorm as I was just beginning to lay down for a nap.

"Yes?" I asked confused.

"Can you believe they just expect us to continue and take our OWLS like the school didn't almost have an invasion?"



I propped myself up, "I asked them too. I just want to have a normal fifth year."

Poppy looked surprised and sat on her bed, "oh... I.. I assumed since you almost died you'd want a break. And with Professor Fig's passing..."

I held a hand up, "no.. I.. mourned.. I just want to relax and... finish the year."

She's clutched her pillow and hugged it as she listened. "Have you spoken to Sebastian yet?"

"No.. I'm still.." the memory of him killing his uncle flashed across my mind. "I'll talk to him later,"

"He was in class today," she said softly, "it looked like he was looking for you."

"Im not sure what to say to him yet. But Ominis and I agreed to put it past us. His sister is gone.. let's not kick while he's down and send him to Azkaban."

Poppy nodded in agreement. "Well.. maybe you can talk to him tonight."


"They are announcing the winner of the house cup."

I looked at her confused, "is... is that what the points have been for all year?"

Poppy smiled and started laughing at me without giving me an explanation.


"Alright! For your last day of Beast class as fifth years you'll be able to pretty much do what you want. Just tend to the animals, play with them, but you have to do something animal related." Professor Howin announced to everyone.

Poppy was too excited and bounced up and down! "We should go say hi to Persephone!" She shook my shoulder.

I glanced behind me where Sebastian usually sits. His spot was empty but it didn't mean Ominis couldn't tell I was staring.

"Ava, please. You look desperate," he sighed.

"Ominis.." I mumbled embarrassed.

"He's fine. He had to go fill out some paperwork that officially states he has no guardian." He must have heard me sigh, "you haven't spoken to him have you?"

"He's avoiding me... and I've been avoiding him," I admitted.

"You two are ridiculous," he sighed.

"Ominis, come brush Persephone with me!" Poppy smiled and grabbed his sleeve dragging him towards the pins.

"Wait, Miss Sweeting, hold on. I don't really like animals." Ominis begged as his cheeks turned bright red. "I just want to stay at my table."

"No no, it's the last day of class!"

"Ava," Garreth ran up to me, "you seen Sallow?"

"No? Why are you asking me?"

"You two have been inseparable all year, are you serious?" I rolled my eyes. "If you see him can you warn him my Aunt's been looking for him."

"I thought he was doing paper work right now? I assumed it'd be with your aunt,"

Garreth shrugged, "not sure but I know she hasn't seen him,"

Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now