Kanna Goes to School

Start from the beginning

Kobayashi: hunh! That must be nice

Tohru: that being said...

Kobayashi: hm?

Tohru: you're not tidy yourself, are you, Miss Kobayashi!?

Kobayashi: huh?!

Tohru: when I was cleaning your room, there were beer cans and bottles on the desk and the books and magazines on the shelves were all out of order... I guess what I'm saying is your room was a pit

Kobayashi: wh-what's the big deal? I guess I got excited when I started living alone and realised my Mom wasn't around to yell at me if I was messy...

Tohru: you need to set a better example for Kanna!

Kobayashi: *sighs* fine... I feel like a sitcom Dad being scolded by his wife. But... you know, Tohru...

Tohru: yes?

Kobayashi: to be honest, I really kinda enjoyed having you cleaning up after me...

Tohru: WHA?!

Kobayashi: I guess I figured it was easy for a mighty Dragon like you, Tohru

Tohru: *Tohru's heart starts beating faster* Miss Kobayashi...

Kobayashi: so, I'd be really happy if I could keep depending on you

Tohru: yes Ma'am! With pleasure!

Kanna: that was a dirty trick, Kobayashi

(Y/n): a very dirty trick...

Kobayashi: oh be quiet you two!

(Y/n) let's out a chuckle as she goes to play with Kanna leaving Kobayashi to let out a sigh. Later that night we see Kobayashi sitting in the bath relaxing after a long day until she hears the door open and sees Tohru peaking through the door

Tohru: would you like me to wash your back?

Kobayashi: um, I'm good, thanks

Tohru: aww, really? But you said you like it when I clean for you...

Kobayashi: urk... I-I did, didn't I...? All right, come on in

Tohru: yes, Ma'am! *walks towards Kobayashi and starts scrubbing her back*

Kobayashi: so, is it easier to keep clean in a smaller body, Tohru?

Tohru: well, I suppose so, but... since this body's just a magical form, it's kind of... cramped

Kobayashi: "cramped"?

Tohru: it's sort of like squeezing yourself into a suit that's way too small

Kobayashi: oh, I see

Tohru: also, as a Dragon, I could roam around and do as I pleased? With no rules or limits. I feel a bit more confined in this world

Kobayashi: so... I guess you hate human bodies, then?

Tohru: *hugs Kobayashi from behind* of course not

Kobayashi: I see...

Kanna: *opens the bathroom door to reveal herself to be naked as (Y/n) stands behind her with a towel wrapped around her* Kobayashi, we're coming in

(Y/n): sorry for the intrusion!

Kanna: Lady Tohru, wash me

Tohru: oh, all right

Kobayashi: speaking of cramped...

(Y/n): *shrinks down in size to be smaller then Kanna* oh, don't be like that Kobayashi

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