Chapter Six

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It was the morning after the wake and Emelia was confused on what she was lying on, when she looked her face got bright red as she was looking at a sleeping Liam on her bed. She tried to get out of Liam's hold but was unable to, her movements of trying to get up made Liam wake up.

"Morning Princess" Liam said before giving Emelia a kiss.

"Hi" Emelia blushed while looking down "I... I have a question?" Emelia continued "It's about us, um our situation?"

Liam was smirking while Emelia was saying this as he was distracted by Emelia because of how beautiful she was looking even thou she just woke up.

"Our situation?" Liam laughed "do you mean you being my girlfriend situation?" he questioned.

"Your girlfriend?"

"In my eyes you have been my girlfriend since our first date" Liam replied while playing with her hair "Do you want to be my girlfriend" he then questioned.

"um... I wouldn't mind being your girlfriend" Emelia whispered.

"Okay than, our situation is sorted. Is that what you wanted to ask?"

"Yes.... Um... No actually." Emelia looked shyly towards Liam which made him nod for her to continue.

"I'm meeting my dad today for lunch, we do it every week or so depending on if were busy. I was wondering if you wanted to come. You don't have to of course if you think were not at that stage of our relationship, but I think that we might be even if it's not been that long, but I've known you for forever" Emelia rambled.

Liam stopped her with a kiss before mentioning "You look so cute when you ramble" which made her blush.

Liam kisses her again before saying "I would love to meet your dad; I think that were also at that stage in our relationship".

"Yeah" Emelia questioned him.

"Yeah" he replied before kissing her again and starting to get up from the bed.

"No Li, where are you going. Your my teddy bear" Emelia complained.

"I have a class soon." Liam replied, while laughing at the through of being Emelia's teddy bear. 

"Fine, I'll walk you out" Emelia said sadly before grabbing Liam's hand leading him out of her bedroom into the common room.

Emelia stopped suddenly which made Liam walk into her back, making him drop her hand and hug her around the waist. "What's wrong" Liam whispered into her ear.

Emelia couldn't speak she just pointed to the massive object within the common room. This made Liam look up from her towards where she was pointing "Oh..."Liam whispered.

Paris suddenly appeared "It's a thirtieth century printing press, Asher left it to me".

Paris kept talking towards the two, but Emelia ignored her and turned around to hide her face within Liam's stomach.

Liam walked towards the door with Emelia hugging his stomach before opening the door and trying to remove her.

"I've got to go" Liam tried to explain but Emelia just shakes her head against him.

Liam eventually managed to remove Emelia from himself before giving her a quick kiss goodbye.

"Texts me the details for lunch" Liam shouted while walking away.

Emelia turned back into the common room and saw Paris was still talking to her about the printing press. She ignored her even through Paris was now following her towards her room. When Emelia got to her room she turned towards Paris and slammed the door in her face.

"Well talk about it later" Emelia heard Paris say though the door.

Emelia just faces plants into her bed planning to get a couple hours more sleep and wondering why there was a printing press within her dorm room. 


 It was just before Liam and Emelia's lunch with her dad Christopher at the Rich Man Shoe bar close to Yale.

Liam and Emelia were walking towards the bar with Emelia complaining to Liam about how Rory has dropped a bomb on her regarding her starting to date Dean again.

"I don't understand why she would go backwards to past relationships. He was a married man; I just don't understand the whole situation" Emelia complained.

"I don't understand it as well princess, you just have to support her" Liam responded before kissing Emelia on the hand he was holding.

"I know" Emelia whined before kissing Liam on the cheek.

When they got to the door of the bar Liam let go of Emelia's hand to open the door for her "Thank you, your too good for me" Emelia responded.

Liam just laughed and brought his hand to the base of her back "Is your dad here" he asked.

Emelia nodded and pointed towards a booth in the back, this made Liam lead Emelia other towards the table occupied by her dad.

"Hi dad" Emelia said once they reached the table.

Christopher responded by getting out of booth to give her a hug "Hey Kiddo, how have you been?"

"Good, yale's good. Um.. this is my Liam; sorry I mean my umm" Emelia said before stopping.

"Boyfriend, I'm Emelia boyfriend, Liam; Lovely to meet you" Liam explained for Emelia.

"Boyfriend yep boyfriend. I have a boyfriend named Liam" Emelia continued to ramble before Christopher stops her.

"Lovely to meet you as well Liam." Christopher said towards Liam before turning towards Emelia "You don't have to be nervous kiddo, it's all good".

Emelia nodded "Should we sit down" she questioned.

The men nodded before Christopher sat where he was before on the opposite side of Emelia and Liam who was on the end of the booth.

"How did you two meet?" Christopher asked the two.

"I don't remember the first time we met but we meet through the society party's" Emelia answered while nodding her head and looking towards Liam. 

"The first time I meet Emelia was when I was around 16, 17 as I'm an couple years older and she was wearing this bright blue dress that went down to the floor, with a princess tiara in her hair. That was the first moment that I knew that I had to get to know her" Liam said before giving her forehead a kiss and holding her hand under the time.

"You still remember that" Emelia asks him while turning her body around to face him.

"Of course, as that moment made me realise that you were made for me and that your my future" Liam responded before giving Emelia a quick kiss on the lips.

At that point Christopher knew that his second youngest daughter was getting looked after, and that he was looking at his future son in law. 

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