Chapter Five

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It was the next day when Emelia walked into the dorm common room to see Rory on the coach reading a book with Paris on the floor next to the coffee table with piles of Asher's books in front of her.

"Do you need help with these?" Rory questioned Paris about the books.

"We can help Paris you don't have to do it all on your own" Emelia added.

"I've got this, but here you can put these up" Paris answered while getting up from the floor to give the twins some flyers about the wake.

"You made flyers" Rory exclaimed while Emelia was trying to hide her laughter.

"Anyone who wants to pay tribute to this great man deserves the opportunity" Paris explained.

"Were on it" Emelia answered before her, and Rory walked out of the dorm room.

Emelia went to put one of the flyers on the board right outside their dorm room while Rory went to put one the board around the corner when Emelia heard a familiar voice "Okay Finn, last building".

Then another "Please say it looks familiar"

And another "ahhh"

And another? "Apparently it doesn't look familiar".

Then all 4 voices came into view and Emelia realised why they were so familiar. It was the boys from the coffee carts.

"No, hold on. Hold on. Yes, here this is where she lives" one exclaims which makes all 4 boys look in Emelia's direction which makes her try and turn around, so the boys don't notice her.

"Princess" Liam shouted when he realised that Emelia was standing right in front of him.

"Li" Emelia responded back while turning around to face the boys while smiling before she starts to walk towards Liam to give him a hug.

Liam accepted the hug with a huge smirk on his face but when Emelia tried to removed herself from the hug he wouldn't let go, so instead Emelia turned to greet the other boys with her arms still around his waist.

"Logan how are you?"

"Hayden always a pleasure to see you" Logan responded with a nod "I see my brother still wont let you go" he continues.

"I don't mind I like dating a cuddly teddy bear" Emelia answered Logan.

The made all the boys laugh but Liam who huffed and started tickle Emelia.

"Stop it, stop" Emelia tried to say while laughing.

"Only if you give me a kiss in return" Liam responded.

"Fine" Emelia turned around and kissed Liam, but yet again Liam didn't want to let go so he pulled her back and kept kissing her, which Emelia enjoyed.

While this was happening the boys known as Colin and Finn as well as Logan were watching the whole event take place and through that their friend and brother has never looked happier. So the three boys continued on the journey to find the women Finn was looking for and left Liam and Emelia to it.

But Rory was confused about the whole event thinking "Who are these boys, why do they keep showing up, how does Emelia know them and why is Emelia kissing one".

Emelia eventually managed to get away from Liam's lips "Hi" she whispered while still standing in Liam's arms.

"Hi" Liam whispered back.

They both suddenly laughed "I'll see you at the wake tonight?" Emelia questioned.

"Yes, I'll be there" Liam answered back.

"Perfect, go catch up with your friends" Emelia said while getting out of Liam's arms and walking back towards her dorm room.

What Emelia and Liam didn't know was that their siblings were meeting each other for the first time and Rory has a problem with the youngest Huntzberger.

Emelia was at the wake wearing her favourite black dress, that her grandpa got her for her 18th birthday, thinking about when Liam would get here while standing next to Rory on the drinks table.

Marty started walking over towards the twins "Hey"

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Marty started walking over towards the twins "Hey".

"Hi" the twins responded back at the same time to Marty.

Emelia let the two talk and looked around the room to see what's happening when she sees Liam walk through the door getting greeted by Paris. Emelia runs over and jumps into his arms, Liam not expecting this moves backwards on impact.

"Hi Princess, miss me?" Li questioned her as she's cuddling him like a kola with her nose at the crease of his neck.

Emelia didn't response she just nodded her head while closing his eyes.

Liam was worried about her and started rubbing her back in a calming manner while making sure her dress stays in place. "Are you tied" Li asks.

Again Emelia didn't answer, she just nodded her head again.

Liam decided that it was bedtime for his princess and asked which door was to her bedroom. Emelia pointing in the direction of her room.

Liam put Emelia under her bed covers, tucked her in, kissed her goodnight, and started to leave when he heard a small voice say, "Li , don't leave stay".

Liam walked back towards the bed and got under the covers. It was a tight fit between the two, but it got better when Emelia cuddled into him with half of her body on top of his.

They both had the best sleep in their life feeling whole for the first time in a while.

What both Liam and Emelia didn't know was that Emily Gilmore turned up to the wake and saw them cuddling together making her think "what cute babies they would have" and "I must get the priest come talk to her again". 

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