Jacky, Stop Judging Us.

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Jacky's POV

"Guys, they're here!" Ryan whisper yells from his spot by the window. He's crouched down below the windowsill, attempting to hide behind the curtain. I roll my eyes and return to tuning my guitar. I'm sitting on the back of the couch, my feet resting where my ass should be. Derek and Ron are sitting on the floor in front of the couch, a pizza box in between them, the TV on. They're watching female wrestling and some football, excuse me, soccer, game at the same time. Whatever guy scheduled those two shows that way Derek and Ron could watch one while commercials were on during the other show was either a genius, or an idiot.

"That's nice, Ryan," Derek laughs, grabbing another piece of pizza. I scrunch up my nose in disgust, my stomach churning at the sight of all the grease dripping off the piece of supposedly edible food. That's just... ugh. I mean, really - how much more unappetizing could food get? How can they be okay with putting that inside their mouth?

I think I'm going to be sick...

"Jacky, stop judging us," Ron chuckles without looking at me. "It's not like you've never eaten a pizza before."

"I just... that's just gross." I frown, my lips pulling down at the sides.

"You know, it takes forty-two muscles to frown," Ron chastises. I smirk.

"And it only takes four to reach out and smack you," I retort. Ryan laughs from his spot beneath the window.

"So, who is Ronnie bringing over again?" Derek asks. "I know it's not Crissy because he wouldn't even have bothered warning us that he was bringing her - she just shows up."

"Not to mention the fact that it's the last day before tour," Ron adds. "I'm really surprised he's not with her right now."

"He's bringing his sister," Ryan says. "The sister that none of us knew about - that he didn't know about. Remember?"

"Right," Derek nods, not looking away from the barely clothed women jumping off the sides of the wrestling ring at each other. "I thought they got here, like, five minutes ago. Why hasn't he brought her in yet?"

"I'll look outside," Ryan says. He peeks through the curtains again and then screams, diving onto the floor. The front door opens to reveal a laughing Ronnie carrying a black and pink backpack. He's also dragging a black suitcase that has pink stars and blue skulls on it. He steps aside and in walks the second most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life.

The girl is about seventeen, maybe eighteen. Her hair is bright blue and she's wearing a ripped shirt which has Edward Scissorhands on it. It's from the scene where he's staring off the balcony and it reads in cursive handwriting: And she never saw him again. Not after that night. She's wearing black jean shorts and black converse. Her nails are short and painted black and she's got a nose ring, snakebites, and I think it looks like gauges, though I can't be sure. She's the definition of a scene girl. However, despite the negative rep girls in that category get, she's gorgeous. I can hear Asking Alexandria blaring from the earphones that are in her ears, connected to her iPhone.

"Guys, this is Bree," Ronnie says, closing my front door. "Bree, this is Derek Jones, Ryan Seaman, Ron Ficarro and Jacky Vincent."

As per usual, Ronnie doesn't look at me when he says my name. He keeps his gaze locked on Ron and has to force out my name like it's physically impossible for him to get the words out. I roll my eyes and offer a small smile at Bree before Ronnie notices. I don't need him getting pissed at me for "flirting with her" or something stupid like that. I have a feeling I won't even be able to talk to her, ever.

Oh, the joys of being someone that Ronald Joseph Radke strongly dislikes.

"Hey, Bree," the rest of the guys all say in unison. Bree smiles back at them, her eyes landing on me. They're blue - bluer than mine. I can feel her stare burning fire on the side of my face but I keep my eyes focused on my fingers as I pretend to be interested in my guitar.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2013 ⏰

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