6 - Let's train!

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Michie and Hawks had agreed to meet on the current day's evening. They still hadn't agreed on the place where they'd meet up but he had said that he'd text the location or let her know in some other way on the said day before it would get dark outside. She trusted that he'd do that.

Michie also had another problem; she would be working alone today. Hoshi had gotten sick and had decided to stay at home to rest so she could come to work tomorrow if possible. That would only be if her state had got better. Hopefully her huge cat will get her to heal as quickly as possible, she thought to herself as she thought about Hoshi's huge, golden colored Maine Coon. His name was "Lion".

Michie remembered him to be cuddly but also a small troublemaker. At least that had been when he had been younger. She didn't know how he acted after he had aged up a bit but she was sure that she'd get some information if she'd just ask about him from Hoshi; when it came to cats and her pet, she wouldn't stop talking.

She then arrived at the agency and clocked in before she went to change into her hero uniform. She would need to bring her winter season uniform to the work place soon. It needed to be ready when Michie needed it to stay warm during the cold climate of the winter. But now, she enjoyed her last moments of wearing the normal uniform before she'd have to store it into her wardrobe.

As she got out of the women locker room, she noticed a red flurry in her peripheral vision and immediately took a defensive stance. That came as a natural reaction from her; one of the many things how her quirk affected her reactions and behavior.

"You surely react extremely quickly to different changes! That's good! One thing off of our list of agility training," said Hawks after he had just barely stopped before he had practically tackled Michie to the ground. Or then he did it on purpose, Michie thought to herself and sighed.

She then looked up at Hawks and huffed as she settled her hands to her hips. "Do you greet all of your workers like this on mornings?" She said with a small grin, making it obvious that she wasn't seriously offended or annoyed; which caused Hawks' small, confused expression to turn into his usual grin once again.

"Well, we're birds of feather so I treat you like a pal," he grinned as he hinted at their quirks by nudging Michie's wing with his own, much bigger, wing. She rolled her eyes and then looked around to see where his today's sidekicks were; she didn't see them anywhere nearby. Did they lose him or are they changing into their uniforms still? She thought to herself as she then looked back at Hawks.

"Did you lose your sidekicks already?" Michie said cheekily. She regretted her tone of voice immediately. Why'd you say it like that?! What the f- she panicked and tried not to blush so her embarrassment wouldn't be clear. Hawks didn't seem to notice this as he was enjoying their conversation that was different from their past ones.

"Well. You're standing right in front of me," Hawks said casually with his usual expression. Michie was confused at first but then the realization set in; I'm the sidekick for today?! She thought with a shocked expression.

"Wait- I don't remember seeing me in the sidekick shift for today? What happened to that?" Michie asked with a confused tone. Although luckily, she had calmed down from the first shock.

Hawks just tilted his head slightly before he flicked his wings. "Well. The other one got sick and I decided to put the other one to another team of patrollers for today. I thought that we'd both benefit from this; since you can train now even by the day and I can analyze your skills during the day before the evening," he explained wisely and matter-of-factly. It didn't leave much to say for Michie who nodded thoughtfully and approvingly.

"Well, let's go then! We have the whole day in our hands!"


Michie flew after Hawks as they patrolled above Kyushu. She felt the slightly colder air and wind blow past her and she felt her skin go into goosebumps. Let's hope that it won't get colder. Otherwise I'll be regretting my decision of not wearing my winter uniform yet.

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