1 - First work day

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Michie made sure that she had locked her apartment's door. She was carrying the bag in which her hero uniform was packaged. She put her keys away into her satchel as she walked down the stairs. She wasn't going to use the elevator this early in the morning, not wanting to risk trying to fit in there with other people without smacking her wings at them.

She was living in a 10-floors high apartment house. Her apartment was on the fifth floor. And she was a young hero who just today started at a new job in Hawks' agency.

Hawks was somewhat of an idol to Michie. She had always had a hard time trying to come up with ways to use her quirk at hero work when she had just started her studies at the Ketsubutsu Academy a few-ish three or four years ago. But then Hawks had made his appearance in media and hero work.

And Michie, having noticed that he also had a wing-related quirk like she had, motivated her a lot and made her more hopeful and determined to reach that dream of becoming a hero.

Well, at the same time – when Hawks had appeared in the hero world – her classmates had also started to come up with small nicknames for her. One was "Hawks' lover," the other one "Hawks' love child," and the favorite of her classmates; "copycat".

Well, Michie hadn't let those nicknames affect her that much, she had only thought about it in a way that her classmates had shown their liking to her. Her best friend, Hoshi, had questioned these thoughts of her back then but Michie had told her not to think about it that much. Ironic, since Michie was usually the one overthinking.

Michie then took out her phone and looked through her messages to see if Hoshi had messaged her something during the morning. And surely she had. Hoshi had been asking Michie where they would be meeting at.

She thought about it for a moment. She and Hoshi weren't living in the same city. She was living closer to Kyushu than Hoshi, who lived in Musutafu. She would be probably taking the train to get to Kyushu so Michie texted that they could meet at the train station.

She then stuffed the phone back into her satchel. As she continued to walk, she looked around her surroundings. It looked like it wasn't as busy today in the streets than it would be normally. The more you'd get to the center of Kyushu, the busier it would be. Well, this was understandable because it was quite early.

Luckily, this was the only day Michie would have to wake up this early. The alarm for today at 5.20 am was only because she and Hoshi would just start their work at the hero agency. They'd have to do all the paperwork and get ready before their first shift would start.


Finally, Michie had made it to the train station. Now she would just have to find Hoshi. She quickly texted that she would be waiting for her outside the train station. Hoshi answered pretty quickly, texting her a thumbs up -emoji.

She then looked at the time. It was 5.58am right at that moment. They would have to get to the hero agency by 6.30 am. Luckily, Hawks' agency wasn't that far away so they would be there probably at 6.20 am.

But when would Hoshi's train be arriving? What if it arrives late? Michie thought as she looked to the side with a thoughtful expression. What was the time when the train was supposed to arrive? 6.00 am? 6.10 am? She started to get sweaty and nervous. What if, once the train arrived, they would have to practically zoom to the agency?!

Okay, now I'm just overthinking a bit. Maybe tone it down and just wait for my friend, she thought and put an end to her thoughts before she'd be laying against the ground, hugging her legs while trembling aggressively and muttering some nonsense aloud. Figuratively.

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