Dragon History

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"Long ago, before even the first humans were born, there lived dragons. Mythical creatures that resemble giant reptiles with wings. They have sharp claws, long tails, wings and are giant compared to humans. But most of all they had power beyond belief."

"People that know of dragon's existence thought they were just mindless beings of pure chaos, ones that almost caused human extinction, but in the end, ended up being extinct themselves from the same people they tried to kill. While some of that is true most of it not, and even the parts that are true weren't always."

"The stories that are told don't tell the whole story."

"Today I will tell you about the greatest story, back when people and dragons did what many people would think would be impossible, coexist."

Years ago

It was peaceful times, dragons and humans all lived in the same village. Sharing homes, food, water. No neither cared how different the humans were from the dragons, and no one cared how different the dragons were from humans. For what they all lacked they had each other to make it up for.

Dragons had special powers that divided them in rank.

However, it seems, that after long coexistence, conflict must always develop. Some humans started to fear a day that the dragons would snap and think they wouldn't need them anymore. The thought had been running through some of the dragon's heads. They thought that they didn't need humans and that they were a waste of oxygen.

Most dragons had a superiority complex, they had access to a power called Ethernano, an energy type of particle that changed into different powers. Some dragons breathed fire, some water, some could send down a thunderstorm, and others could spawn tornados.

Later on, a human, abandoned by their parents, was taken care of by a dragon. The dragon took care of the child but one day the child got severely ill. They would soon die from the disease, and the dragon who had come to love the human child as their own could only watch. The dragon came up with an idea, an idea that would change history, to give the child some of its power as a dragon giving them a stronger immune system to fight the disease.

Dragons have adapted over time to naturally take in Ethernano in the air while humans can't. However, if the dragon forced the human to take in some of its Ethernano and forcibly changed the child's DNA to be part dragon it could save them.

The humans and dragons told the dragon they were insane to try such a thing. Forcibly changing the child's DNA could result in unimaginable pain and cause a fate worse than death. But the dragon didn't heed their warnings and went on to try and save their child.

It worked.

The child was saved.

But something else happened.

The child could use the same power as the dragon. They were naturally taking in Ethernano and its DNA was part dragon. They were stronger, and faster. They had dragon claws, dragon lugs, and dragon scales; this was the first Dragon Slayer.

The humans and dragons began to coexist even more after that. Dragons gave humans the power they wielded, helping both sides. They hoped in the future that this would result in a truly peaceful coexistence.

However, soon conflict once again began.

No one knew not even the Dragon King himself knew, which side, which village it started in but humans were starting to kill dragons using their newfound abilities and the dragon did the same with there's.

The Dragons had concluded that the dragon genes in human genes were making them go feral and the humans thought the dragons found them to be too much of a threat to keep around.

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