"She's close." He was louder. I saw the shadow of his footsteps through the crack at the bottom of the door.

"Alpha, there's an emergency near the southern border. Two rogue pups just entered," a voice called. There was a silent pause before he let out a frustrated sigh.

If anything I had ever heard was true about Alpha Rowen, it was always pack over anything else, and in this case, that would even mean me.

"Please let me find you," he whispered before footsteps thundered the hall until there was silence.

I let myself out of the tight-spaced closet, overwhelmed with many emotions. I wanted to run after him and reveal myself to him, but doubt still clouded my mind. I forced my legs to carry me through the mazes of hallways before I found myself back in the kitchen where my mother and older sister, Millie, were preparing the dessert tonight. They both looked up at me when they saw me enter, their eyes examining my state.

"Are you okay, honey?" Mom worried," You look flushed."

"I'm fine, Mom," I said, hoping she wouldn't ask any more questions.

"Maybe you should get some rest. Today is the celebration tonight and Alpha Rowen is looking for his mate. It might be you," Millie smirked. She always teased me about how she had a dream a long time ago about Alpha Rowen and me and ever since then, she's never dropped it. I hated to admit to her that she was right.

"I don't think I will attend the celebration tonight."

"Why not? It's the one time we're allowed to participate," Millie frowned, her joking demeanor disappearing from her face. "Did something happen?"

"I'm just really tired. I think I'll call it a night."

"At three in the afternoon?"

I nodded. Both of them were hesitant to believe me and I knew they had a million questions to ask me, but reluctantly, they let me retire to my room. Well, the room I shared with Millie, my younger sister, Raegan, and my younger brother, Karter. It was one of the smallest rooms in the castle, barely big enough to fit the large bed that the four of us shared and a small dresser. There wasn't much in there either except the picture frame of our whole family on one of the beige walls.

Both Raegan and Karter were at the younger educational lessons for pups on the main floor of the pack house, so the room was empty. I peeled off my work attire of the simple black dress before pulling on my worn t-shirt and pajama pants. I climbed into the middle of the bed and slipped under the covers. I wondered if my mate thought about me right now as I was thinking of him. I wondered if I would ever be good enough for him.

"Mari! Wake up!"

I fluttered my eyes open. Karter was standing over me with a huge grin.

"Karter, Mom told you not to wake her," Raegan scolded.

"I just couldn't help it," he exclaimed.

"It's alright," I mumbled, sitting up. I let out a yawn, stretching my arms over my head. The two of them were getting ready for the party. Raegan was dressed in a beautiful lavender dress and Karter was wearing a matching tie with his black suit. "What time is it?"

"Six," Raegan answered. "The celebration is starting soon. Are you sure you don't want to come?"

"No," I smiled reassuringly," I'm just going to get some more rest."

"Ok, then."

I could hear the celebration raging through the walls of my room. The music, laughing, shouting. It was almost impossible for me to fall back asleep. Instead, I put on some jeans and a light blue blouse, just in case someone saw me, and then left the confines of my room. I was going for a run. My wolf had been itching to get out after everything that's been happening with meeting our mate.

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