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Today marked the day of Sanique's first ever Glee Club session. And boy was it fucking boring.

Mr Schue was handing out the sheet music when Rachel seemed to have a problem with it, "Excuse me. This isn't the right key."

"No, it's actually the right key." Mr Schue confirmed.

"No no, This is the alto part." She doubled down.

"Yep. Tina's doing the solo." He announced.

Rachel opened her big mouth to protest, "I'm sorry, there must be some sort of mix up. I thought I made it very clear than anything from West Side Story goes to me. Natalie Wood was a Jew, you know."

"No she wasn't." clarified Sanique.

"Whatever. I've had a very deep personal connection to this role since the age of one."

"Was this the yammering you were talking about?" Sanique whispered to Santana. "Hells yes, and thank the Lord you're finally here to see it for yourself." she replied.

"Well, I'm trying to shake things up a bit. Get us out of our boxes." Schuester responded.

"You're trying to punish me."

"I think you're being irrational."

"I think you're being unfair!"

"I think you're being unfair to Tina, who might've been happy about getting her first solo." He retorted.

"Tina knows how much I respect her and I think she would agree with me that she's not ready for such an iconic role as Maria." Rachel blabbed. God was she annoying.

"Wait.. I'm a Jet?"

Rachel then dramatically stormed out of the choir room.

"The more times she storms out, the less impact it has." Artie stated.

Mr Schue sighed, "Congratulations Tina. This is going well."


At track practice, Sanique and Matt, a football player she had recently become acquainted with, were taking a water break on the bleachers when the latter set his eyes on Brittany S. Pierce.

"Damn she looks good doing those stretches." He said, mesmerized.

"You're disgusting." Sanique scoffed.

"Don't act like you don't feel these things too." Matt teased.

"I don't," A lie. "And if I do, I act on them." She ended, referring to her fling with Santana, not that he would know about it.

"You think I can't act on my feelings? Pick up girls?" He questioned.

"No, I don't think you can. That's why you got zero hoes." She challenged, enunciating the zero.

"Watch me, Nique." He approached Brittany cautiously, stepping around the stretching cheerleaders.

"Hey Brittany. I was wondering-"

"Nuh uh, Babyface. Britt-Britt's off-limits." Santana interjected.

Sanique raised an eyebrow at this. Santana and Brittany - friends with benefits? She didn't believe that for a second.

"N-no, it's not like that, I-"

Saving the pathetic boy from humiliation, Sanique popped up behind him and took him by the bicep. She shot Santana a pointed yet amused look. "Let's go Matt," She ordered before starting to jog the running track, him soon catching up. "So much for shooting your shot."

ROSE COLOURED LENSES , quinn fabrayWhere stories live. Discover now