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"GUUUUYS! WAKE UP!" - Joshu was wide awake despite it being early in the morning. He started jumping around like an adorable child, causing the other two to wake up. They both were really tired because they went to sleep pretty late, but they still were happy to see their lover first thing in the morning.

"Okay, Joshuji, we're awake. Why so early?" - Jeonghan gave Joshu a peck on his lips, then hugged Seungcheol, falling back onto the bed. Joshu started jumping around again, causing everyone to laugh. They all spent the rest of the morning just chatting and cuddling.

The boys decided to spend the day at home, because they had to go to school the next day, so they wanted to finish all the homework and just rest. The three of them ate their breakfast and sat in the living room, watching some random drama. They didn't actually focus on what they were watching, just cuddling and talking.

"Im'ma go to the bathroom real quick. I'll be back." - Seungcheol stood up and went to the bathroom, leaving the other two laying together. He decided to post the photo of Jeonghan and Joshu he took a couple of days ago.

~ ~ ~

"Jeonghanie, are you okay now after what happened yesterday? I was really worried about you, but I didn't want to bother you." - Joshu took Jeonghan's hand in his and started caressing it slowly.

"Yes, I'm okay, thank you. I'm really sorry, I knew you wanted to go out with us for a long time, but I still somehow managed to ruin it."

"What do you mean? I'm not mad at you, Jeonghanie! Come here, and please don't be sorry." - Joshu hugged Jeonghan tightly, then looked him straight into his eyes. - "I love you so much, Jeonghannie." - he gave the latter a fond kiss. - "Please, I want you to know that it's not your fault."

"It really isn't, Jeonghanie. Please, we're not mad at you" - Seungcheol has already returned and was sitting beside the other two. He took Jeonghan's hand and gently kissed it. - "If you're that worried, let's go on a date this week when we'll have some free time."

~ ~ ~

It was a warm evening. The three boys had already finished all the work they had, eaten dinner and were ready to go to sleep. They lay down together on their bed, Jeonghan in the middle and the other two on his sides.

"Good night, guys, and thank you for staying by my side. I really love you." - Jeonghan hugged the other two more tightly.

"Aww, Jeonghanie, we love you too. Don't worry, everything will be okay, and we will always be there for you"

And like that, the three boys slowly started to fall asleep, every one of them falling into his own dream.

A/N: This is just a fill in chapter because I'm thinking on the plot right now, I'm really sorry bout that and I'll try to make this story look better. And the photo I was referring to in the beggining is the one that Coups took in the first chapter.

Btw I'm currently reading a manga called "Caste heaven" and bro, that's some crazy ass shit. There are literally smut scenes every 3 pages. I'm actually dying and I've only read like 4 volumes (that's the half of it). Help

word count: 473

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