Chapter 81 - "Puppy Patrol"

Start from the beginning

"Right," Seven veered the conversation back, not willing to linger on the death. "What is my objective?"

"Intel, find out as much as you can about how SHEILD and the avengers operate, when we have enough information we can take them down from the inside." 

Seven nodded.

"You'll be training for several hours a day, and you cannot stand out among the group. Understood?" She nodded again, already fleshing out the parts of her cover that would be needed. 

"Sophia and Vik are joining the medbay team, they lost a few in the field last month and they've got the most med knowledge."

"You're posing as surgeons?" Seven asked the pair, disbelieving. 

"Nurses, mostly. No surgery, wound dressing, sutures, bone resetting, all things we've done countless times." Sofia replied.

"And I'm in with the desk agents, paperwork mostly." 

"We can check in through our phones," Anya handed out basic flip phones and Seven tucked hers straight into her pocket. "The numbers are already in there. Any chance we get to meet up will be rare, might not happen at all." 

"Right, how long are we expecting this to take?" Vik asked but they all heard the silent question. How long will we be under the serum? 

"A month or two at minimum, a few most likely." 

"No break?"

Anya shrugged. They might disengage the serum if the widows weren't having a very active day, or their minds needed a break. They might work them until they literally dropped dead. Seven wondered if they had the capabilities to pause the mind control and reengage it before it physically ran out and they had to replenish it themselves. She wouldn't put it past them.

"When do we start?" 

"Pack a bag now, we leave in an hour. They're expecting Seven for orientation at eight, and us for work at half eight." 

Seven left the table to the room she now slept in alone, packing the few belongings she had into her small rucksack.

She slipped into the SHEILD uniform that Anya had provided her with, putting her spare set in her bag for safekeeping. It was comfortable and breathable, which was good for training she supposed. There were additional pieces such as shorts or sweatshirts but she wasn't going to receive them until arrival.

She paused, hand lingering over the hoodie hanging in her wardrobe. The space was mostly barren, spare a few plain shirts and trousers, as well as her practical gear. She had to leave that here for now, as well as her weapons. They would be detected the moment she stepped in the building. Still, she hovered. Seven grabbed the material and shoved it into her bag, failing to recall why the clothing was important to her, even though she was trying her hardest.

"Natasha?" Maria asked, as the redhead opened her door and let herself in, closing the door behind her, dropping herself into the chair opposite. "Oh, do come in." She rolled her eyes. No one else would consider barging into the deputy's office and carelessly draping themselves over her chair.

"I wanted to check in, I haven't seen you in a few hours." Natasha shrugged. 

"Eager," Maria teased, 

"I can leave." Natasha pretended to get up and Maria backtracked almost immediately.

"No no, please do stay. How are you? How's Yelena?" She pushed her laptop to one side, resting both elbows on her desk and leaning her chin on top of her hands, gaze set on the redhead.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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