25. treat you better

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"How much have you had to drink?" sneers Wood, snatching the champagne flute from Granger's hand. "You're stumbling and giggling all over the place."

Draco watches from the bar as the git wipes the smile clean off her face. Her cheeks, flushed after a few drinks, go beet red and she glances around to see if anyone heard him.

"I'll drink whatever I want." She reaches for her glass, but he yanks it out of reach. "We're celebrating."

"You're drunk."

"Everyone's drunk." She snaps into a defensive position.

"You're embarrassing me in front of the sponsors."

Draco puts his tumbler down, something akin to fire simmering beneath his skin.

"I worked an eighty-hour week. I'm allowed to let loose."

"Your straps keep falling off your shoulders. You're stumbling around as if you've never worn heels before. And your hair is—out of control."

"Lower your voice," she hisses, and Draco notices a glassy sheen in her eyes, her hands combing through her hair self-consciously.

It's the final straw.

"Wood," calls Draco, gesturing him over with two digits.

Wood whirls around, plastering an artificial smile on his face. Draco is one of Puddlemere's premium sponsors and the players worship him and all his Galleons. Granger watches him go, blinking several times like she's holding back tears.

"Malfoy." Wood slaps Draco on the shoulder. "Let's take a shot together."

Draco doesn't smile. "Is that really how you talk to your woman?" He keeps his voice low to avoid further humiliating her.

"C'mon," Wood replies, leaning in like they're good friends, divulging secrets. "Wouldn't you be embarrassed if your girlfriend acted that way in front of your clients? I didn't bring her here to flutter around like a pixie."


"No, what?" Wood's eyes widen with a glimmer of panic.

"I would never treat a woman that way, and certainly not my woman."

"Then you and I have different approaches. That's why I'm the athlete and you're the man in the suit, writing the cheques." His laugh is stilted, trying for damage control but only managing to further annoy Draco.

"Draco, it's fine." Granger joins them, shooting him a soft smile, and he feels the pressing need to run his thumb across her cheek to make sure the arsehole didn't make her cry.

Wood looks at her. "Since when is he 'Draco' to you?"

"He's sponsoring my charity gala."

Why does Wood look like he's hearing this for the first time? She works eighty hours a week and he can't bother to learn what she's organizing? Fucking wanker.

"Walk me to the floo?" she asks.

Wood nods, relieved for an out from this awful conversation, but Granger shoots him a deadly look. "I wasn't talking to you."

Draco grins, warmth spreading inside his chest. He offers Granger his arm, and she takes it, her body flush against his as they stroll off together.

"Tell me you're breaking up with him now."

She gives him a side-long look, then sighs. "You were right."

"I'm sorry."

"You're not."

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