9. Endless Night

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This story is based off Nick & Nora's Infinite Playlist. It's a Muggle-AU set in 2008, and Draco and Hermione are music-obsessed instead of bookworms.



"Can you believe this?" Daphne joined Ginny and Hermione at the condiment bar, latte in one hand, other hand digging through her leather satchel. "He made me another one of these dumb CDs. As if that'll convince me to take him back."

Ginny twirled a thin wooden stirrer through her coffee. "Harsh, Daph."

"Whatever, guy needs to get a clue." She tossed the CD into the trash slot. "How's Harry, Hermione?"

"Fine." Daphne had been trying to convince Hermione to hook them up for years. It was never, ever going to happen but Daphne never stopped trying.

Fergie's Clumsy began to chime near Daphne's crotch. She slid her bedazzled Blackberry from the pocket of her low-waist jeans and grinned at the screen. "Cormac. Met him at Abercrombie the other day. Later, bitches."

"Hermione, don't." Ginny sighed.

But Hermione's arm was already elbow-deep in the trash.

"What?" She yanked a napkin from the dispenser and shook the CD case clean. "These are awesome. Look at this art, there's an entire castle on this," she flipped to the track list, "and his taste in music is immaculate." She grazed a coffee-slicked finger down a collection of breakup songs. "Daphne didn't deserve him."

"You don't even know the guy," said Ginny.

"I have the last seven mixtapes he made for her. I know him plenty."

"He's hung up over Daphne. How great can he be?"

"Everyone gets caught up in Daphne, she's a virus."

Ginny smirked, shaking her head.

Ping—went both their phones.

Since her fingers weren't doused in cold coffee, Ginny grabbed hers."Shit! Aloha Mora...secret show... tonight."

"No way!" Hermione leaned over to look at Ginny's screen. "Velvet Underground, maybe?"

"Maybe. Could be Horseshoe. They're dropping hints soon."

The only time Aloha Mora planned surprise shows at hole-in-the-wall venues was when a new album was on the horizon. They'd definitely perform unreleased tracks tonight, and Hermione wasn't missing it for the world.


"I don't want to be here," said Draco for the fifteenth time. Only now, the tatted couple next to him was making out (with tongue). "I'm leaving."

"You need to get over this chick, man," said Blaise.

"She wasn't that bad."

From next to him, Theo said, "What did you even see in her? Her fascinating obsession with Adam Levine?"

"No." Blaise cupped his nipples over his shirt. "He saw these."

Theo laughed. Draco didn't.

"Ah, be easy on him." Theo threw an arm around Draco's shoulder. "He's sensitive."

He shrugged him off as a blast of feedback pitched around the room. On stage, a spiky-haired guitar player plugged his Fender into an amp.

"You got shit luck, man," said Blaise.

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