1.7 - janitor's closet

Start from the beginning

"Ectoplasm-sensei is here!" Everyone rushed to their seats.

"Sorry I was late, class, I had a quick unscheduled meeting," he said, standing at the podium up front. "Today we will be choosing a class president and a vice president. So we will be holding a mock election!"

Hands immediately rose, all nominating themselves to become class president. In the end, two students were nominated for president: Aina, with you as her vice, and Ruyami Seijoh, with Shioza Shoyo as his vice.

Both sides stood at the front of the class, whispering topics they should cover.

"Talk about how you'll make sure our class is always peaceful! And, um, you'll make sure everyone is treated equally?"

"Lame!" You deadpanned at your friend. "We need to talk about how we should get the same amount of attention as the hero course and that we should be able to get our quirk licenses too!"

"Good point actually..."

Ectoplasm got ready to write your points on the board. "Alright, let's start with Tsumeko-san's campaign."

Aina confidently puffed out her chest. "If I become class president, then I'll make sure we're able to get our quirk licenses just like the hero course!"

People cheered, clapping their hands. Ectoplasm wrote it on the board. "And how will you do that?" he asked.


You spoke up for her, "We'll negotiate with the principal, because we have a right to use our quirks."

More people cheered. "Yeah! I wanna use my quirk!"

You thought your campaign was pretty solid, but once Ruyami opened his mouth, you realized how serious he was about this. Damn. You and Aina shared a look that said, "We already lost..."

The debate continued for the rest of first period and you and Aina ended up losing, as expected. It was fun though!

Before lunch, you waited until the class emptied out to talk to Shinsou privately. You told Aina you would catch up with her.

"Um, Shinsou-san," you stood in front of his desk.

"Hm?" He simply stared at you, and you stared back. Damn, he was handsome. He had those dead eyes that were weirdly attractive. He himself was beginning to fluster at your prolonged eye-contact. "Did you need something...?"

You snapped out of your trance, blushing and averting your eyes. Two of your hands began to drum on your thighs. "I saw how you reacted when people were calling your quirk evil, but, uh, I think your quirk is really cool and... not evil. So don't doubt yourself, alright?"

You know what it's like to be discriminated against because of your quirk (or lack thereof). Even while you have a quirk, you get some dirty looks here and there because you're a mutant. It's like you can never win.

"Thanks," he sighed, his hand returning to rest on his neck. "It means a lot."

"Do you, uh, want to eat lunch together? With me and Aina-chan?" you asked.

"Tsumeko-san?" He seemed to think it over. "Um, sure..."

You began to walk to the cafeteria in an awkward silence. Well, it was more awkward for Shinsou. You, on the other hand, were glad that you were seemingly able to befriend the mysterious boy.

You didn't want to assume, but you assumed that he was closed off because he was bullied for his "villainous" quirk. It was pretty obvious.

Suddenly, screeching alarms blared, causing you to jolt. You covered your ears, two hands on each ear, but your attempts to block out the grating noise were futile as all the sound was being picked up by your antennae. Not only were you hearing through them, but the noises were amplified like crazy. You could sense the vibrations of people rushing to where you were.

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