He huffed. "As if I wouldn't just sneak back onto campus the second I escaped pryin' eyes. You have no idea what I'm capable of. I ain't giving up on going here just because I got kicked out one measly time. And if you think otherwise, you don't know Grim!"

He sneezed suddenly and wiped his nose. I noticed he was shivering slightly.

Looks like it took more time to get in. How long was he in that rain?

I reached out for a cloth and threw it at him. It hit his head with a soft oomph!

"Hey! What was that for?", he pulled the cloth off.

"To dry yourself", I said nonchalantly, sitting on the wooden floor. "So you don't catch a cold or whatever you monsters catch when you're caught in the rain."

He blinked. "This cloth is dusty!", he said, but his voice seemed more muted and less shrill.

I rolled my eyes. "So is everything in this place, sweetie. Be grateful you got it. Or would you like me to throw you out in that freezing weather?"

He shook his head and started to dry himself. "The temperature freezing here", he grumbled. He looked at my figure leaning on the foot of the couch. "Why haven't you attacked me yet?"

I smiled wearily. "I am too tired to care if you are on the school grounds or not. Plus, you attacked me first. If you attack me, I attack you."

I tilted my head as he continued to dry himself. "Why do you want to go to this school?", I asked.

He wrinkled his nose. " Isn't it obvious? I was born to do this! I'm a magical prodigy who's got the making to become one of the greatest mages who ever lived!"

He looked down. "So I've been waiting and waiting for that black carriage to come for me. And yet...", he trailed off. "Hrmph! That Dark Mirror's got no eye for talent."

"Anyways, I took the initiative and came here myself. You humans don't understand what a mistake you're making.  Not letting me in is a great loss to the world!"

"Sure, sure. People are gonna look at you and say 'Dam, why didn't a fine monster with incredible powers, such as he, get admitted into a prestigious institution? Those guys were surely not in the right mind!' "

A drop of water fell on Grimm's head. "Bwah! Another hole in the roof? These flaming ears are my trademark, ya know? I can't let 'em get doused!"

"Good luck. They're everywhere", I said. "I dunno why you don't just magic those holes away. You could have it fixed in half a jiff", he said. " Ahhh, right... You can't use magic at all. Pfff! How useless!"

I frowned. "Careful, raccoon. This magicless woman beat a grand mage like you in half a jiff. I don't mind doing it again. And maybe this time, I'll go for the killing shot."

He gripped his ears tight. "I didn't mean it. I meant it as a joke! Why do you speak as if you've killed before?"

I grimaced. "Let's keep this between you and me. I killed monsters way bigger than me and twice as mean as you."

"That's impossible!"

"Very much possible."

A loud creak echoed from the hallway. Grimm flinched. "Bwah! What was that? Is someone else here?" I got up. "Maybe it's Crowley..."

I peeked out of the room. The hallway connected to 3 more rooms, and it was spewed with cobwebs. The loud creaking sound must have come up from the floorboards. But who would have stepped on it? Grimm and I were the only ones here...

Or maybe not.

"There's no one here", Grimm said from behind me. A howl cut through the air. Both of us jumped.

It was the windows. The shattered glass made the noise as the wind howled through. My senses were tingling. I gripped my daggers tighter. Something was very wrong.

"Stay behind me", I told Grimm. He hid behind me without any disagreement. 

The wind was louder than ever now. The chandelier above blazed alight. And the noise of the wind faded to something else.


"Hehehehe..." "Bwhahaha..." "Ahahahahaha..."

"We hadn't had visitors in a long time."

Grimm gripped my legs, trembling.

We're screwed', I thought, as translucent ghosts appeared.


Prologue: Chapter 4 done!

On to the next!


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