In your Embrace

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Paralyzed would be an understatement. Time between then and now is not definitive. The only reason the numbers become objective is the sun has decided that the sight of my pathetic limp body on the ground is too much to bare anymore. She makes it the moons responsibility now. 

Its almost too much to bare. The weight on my body on my knees. The tapping of my disorganized footsteps on the ground. My mind knowing that without a doubt theres no place in mind for where they'll take me. Beautiful walls, hard tile floors, silver blue eyes, raven black hair? I stop my body slumping against the wall by default to take him in. 

"Levi..." I whisper and the flutter of his eyelashes blink hard into soft. Anger into concern. 

"Violet what are you..." I know he knows, he can see it in my eyes. Im not me. Well Iam me but buried so far down drowning underneath a wall of dissonance. Trying desperately to cling onto the fabric of reality as everything I thought I knew falls apart. 
"Violet what happened?" footsteps coming closer but his with intent and a cognitive destination: Me. I look up at him through the mess of hair in my face that has grown significantly since I've first arrived. And straight out a dream his soft fingers scour my face cupping the hairs with his fingers gently pushing them behind my ear.  Those eyes, the way he looks at me. Its like nothing I've ever seen. Its like broken glass is suddenly made whole again when he looks at me. 

The lids of my eyes threaten to overflow. Its me, really me. Deep down admitting I know what happened. I cant pretend I dont anymore. My subconscious fighting for control. To take over the reigns. And maybe I should let them, but I dont get a choice before the flood gates open. Fast and poignant the hours of crying that should have taken place combust into seconds of sobbing and weeping. My legs give out and I cant contemplate the idea of anyone caring enough to catch me, let alone hold me in their arms. But he does. God he always does. 

Not a word. Not a single word. The only noise is my hyperventilating sobs, but the stillness of his voice fills my ears for the first time since he held me in his arms. A lull of words that he whispers into me. 

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

The feeling of choking on air is one we're all too familiar with in the middle of a breakdown. Yet this wasn't it. I couldn't describe the way my body stopped breathing while my heart slowed down. How the tears managed to stop as I rapidly gasped for breath regaining composure. He pulled his face away from mine holding my face in delicate fingers. 

"Violet, what happened?" His finger traced the sides of my temple begging me to tell him but also knowing that telling him would mean reliving it. Reliving whatever made him find me like this. His strong arms found their way around my waist. His chin rested on my crown lips planted gently on my head, and its like everything feels right again. Its not but it feels like it. Like Armin didnt touch me, this time and all the times before that. Like I didnt know this was coming from the way he looked at me, or acted. 

I looked up at him seeing him as myself for the first time. Like I had become a person again in the silence of his presence. "Arming he-He said no one would believe me. I- I just-  I dont even know what to say." I whispered looking away from him ashamed. I felt disgusting and violated. His arms wrapped around me again holding me close. 
"Hey... its ok. just- come with me." he whispered picking me up from the base of my thighs. My arms slung over his shoulders as he whispered in my ear, "Its gonna be ok. I wont let anything happen to you brat."

The secluded walls of the spotless room only brought more comfort as he laid me down on his bed. Warm blankets wrapped around me as my very presence felt like I dirtied the room. Yet somehow I felt like I'd been here before. 

"Hey, stop that. I want you to help you. So dont go thinking you're a problem."

I can only respond with silence as his hands continue to wrap the blankets over my body. A soft orange light dimly illuminates his features as he crouched down looking into my eyes. His soft fingers pushed away my tear-soaked hair out of my face. "Take as long as you need. This isnt the first time you've stayed here because of that asshole." The confusion on my face must have asked the question for me. 

"When he hit you... Eren didnt know what to do and Jean was too busy beating the shit out of Armin. I gotta admit, I've never respected Jean more. but uh- thats besides the point. The point is Armin is a monster, and a genius which makes him even more terrifying. Eren will believe just about anything he'll say. Its why I couldnt see you, why he didnt let Jean see you. I can only imagine what he did and Im so sorry. I wont ever let anything happen to you when you're with me." I rolled away from levi the all too familiar feeling of tears threatening to overflow. "levi- why... why would he do that?" 
I could hear the floor creak as he stood. His shifting steps followed by the weight of his body on the bed. The intimate touch of his fingers traced circles on my arm. 

"Violet. I want to help, but I need you to tell me what he did." My body violently contorted. Uncontrollably curling into the fetal position. Bile rose in my throat and before I could I dissuade my body from rejecting the contents it was already on the floor. 

"Im sorry. Im so sorry." I sobbed my throat burning with disgust and pain. I turned to look at him expecting anger or repulsion, and while he wasnt excited with what happened he read only of concern. 

Levi POV

I was repulsed. The vomit on the floor could compare nothing to the repugnance of whatever Armin did to her. I cant stand her in pain. Her eyes were red and tears coated her cheeks. She continued to cry looking at me as her voice fell hoarse from the vomit expeled from her body. What does it make of me if shes more concerned about my disgust in her than the pain her eyes.

"Violet please stop." I whispered leaning forward wrapping my arms around her bringing her close again. Feeling her rapid heart beat into my chest. The crying didn't stop for about an hour.

For an hour straight she cried non stop. saying unintelligible words that would only break me if I could understand them. Her sobs echoed throughout my room as I held her close. Until they slowed down eventually coming to a halt. Where the only noise was her shallow breathing into my chest.

"Violet?" I asked quietly with no response. I looked down at her red face and wet features to see her sleeping. I laid back onto my bed holding her in my arms. Its not like I had plans for the night. I usually just lay here hoping maybe I'll grow tired. It never happens though, not that I'll complain about laying here for hours with her in my arms. Yet the craziest thing happened that night. With her here in my embrace, I grew tired.

And as I fell asleep to the sound of her breathe on my chest I knew it was her. I knew she was a gift from some divinity for me. And that I would never let anything happen to her ever again. That the truth of the matter is, that I love her and it was a truth that I could no longer deny or attempt to suppress.

And while Levi would promise to himself to protect her. This was just the beginning and theres little more than even Eren could do at this point to protect her.

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