Dinner is Served

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When I woke up Riener and Bertolt were gone. I rolled over realizing I wasn't completely alone. Next to me on the chair beside the bed was Eren. He was asleep. I couldn't help but take in his features. His sharp and defined jawline, his cheekbones, the perfect nose rested in the middle of it all. The strands of hair that complimented the frame of his face.  I found myself staring and a smug grin appeared on his face.
"You don't have to wait for me to sleep to look at me." He said conceitedly. I felt my face heat up and turn away from him. He placed his hand on my arm, "I'm glad you've woken up it's time for dinner and... I've had something prepared for you." Eren walked towards the closet and opened it pulling out a dress.

"It's not much, but I didn't know we'd have a princess coming or I would have had more prepared." He said turning around to show the dress.

"These types of dresses were Ymirs favorite

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"These types of dresses were Ymirs favorite... If youd prefer something else though I'll have whatever you desire made." I was unsure what to say. I grabbed at my hair thinking I wasn't feminine enough to look good in the dress. I stood up and walked over to Eren. I played with the fabric on my fingers as he gently handed me the dress.
"I'll be in the hall. Step out when you're ready. There's a party being thrown in your honor." My eyes widened, "uh party?" I looked at Eren afraid and unsure if I want to go. He noticed the tension and comforted me telling me, "nothing big, just some officials who you'll be meeting sooner or later." He placed a kiss on the top of my forehead and walked out of the room.

I slipped out of my clothes pulling the dress over my body. It fight snuggly. How did he know my measurements? I looked in the mirror feeling pretty. I looked over the flowy fabric and the way it hugged my curves and my breasts. Then I saw my face, my hair, my lips. I felt so masculine like I was supposed to be a boy. I felt stupid, of course I'm a girl. I'm just being insecure and it doesn't matter what I look like. Plus it doesn't change anything with anyone here.

I stepped out into the hall where 3 men stood waiting.
"Thank god, you're great Violet but can we please go to bed Eren?" Reiner begged. Eren rolled his eyes and shook his head yes. Reiner and Bertolt walked off looking back at me and smiling while Eren reached out to take my hand. I placed it in his and he intertwined his fingers with mine. My heart started beating fast as we walked down the hallways.
"There's no need to be afraid V" I gave him a funny look, "V?" I questioned, He grinned, "For Violet." I giggle and looked up at him, "I know that I'm not stupid. I'm just curious why that name."
"I like it." He said bluntly. I shrugged my shoulders and figured it was fine.

He pushed open the doors in front of us to reveal a grand dining hall. There was a hug table with two grand chairs at each end and smaller chairs along the side. Heads turned and everyone stared at us. I felt my body tense as Eren walked to the head of the table and pulled out the closest chair to his  ushering me to sit. I sat down flattening the dress underneath me so I could sit comfortably. Eren pulled out the big chair and sat down.

Everyone stared. Their eyes piercing my skull. Murmurs filled the hall.

"It's true there really is a woman"

"Wow she's really pretty"

"She's the second coming of Ymir"

Eren cleared his throat and everyone went silent.
"I figured we all know why we're here." He said looking at me," This is Violet. She's the first Woman on paradise since Ymir. As such she will be treated like Ymir. You will treat her with kindness and respect. If she asks you for something, you do it" I looked at Eren slightly afraid of the look in his eye. My mind was distracted though as the food started being brought out. A blonde man with hazel eyes stood to my right smiling at me. He placed the food down in front of me and introduced himself, "Hi Violet, my name's Niccolo. It's an honor to meet you. I hope you enjoy your food. If you have any complaints let me know and I'll fix it for you immediately." I smiled and thanked him.

Once everyone had their food we began eating. Some talk filled the table but more so on my end. Levi was an exception. He sat across from me and remained silent. I'd look over at him and find his eyes flicking away from me like he was watching me. Jean sat to his right and Armin to mine. The only other person I recognized was Floch. I flinched when I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked to my right noticing Armin looking at concerned.

"Are you alright Violet? You haven't eaten any of your food?" I booked my head yes and felt a heat rise in my cheeks, "Yes I'm fine. Just taking everything in." He smiled understandingly and everything went on as usual. Except that his hand was still on my thigh. I'd taken several bites of my food and looked up at Eren. He was looking at me, no he was staring. I looked at him and he smiled, a twinkle in his eye that make my heart flip. I looked back down at my plate before Jean moved his conversation towards me.

"Violet, who do you think is more attractive? Me or baldie over here?" He asked nudging at a short man with a buzz cut. I didn't know what to say and started rubbing my ear slightly.
"Obviously the answer is me." Eren laughed confidently. Jean and the man next to him rolled their eyes, "no but seriously if you had to pick?" He asked sending me a wink. I swallowed hard looking between the two, "I don't think that's appropriate for me to answer." I said quietly. Levi let out a load groan and pushed his chair back leaving abruptly. He seemed annoyed and I felt bad that my being here changed things for him. I stood as he left the room. I looked at Eren telling him "I'll be right back."

As I stood I noticed my right leg felt cold and thought back to armins hand on me. I brushed it off and focused on finding Levi. I tried to trail behind but he always out maneuvered me. I was so close to reaching him at one point before he disappeared again. I let out a groan of frustration and slid my back down against the wall.

"Why are you following me?" I almost screamed hearing his voice. I looked up at him leaning against the wall above where I sat. I stood up quickly looking at him. "I'm sorry if me being here makes you uncomfortable." I said wholeheartedly. He rolled his eyes at me, "It's not you. It's everyone else." I was confused and my face told him that.
"The way they look at you. It makes me want to kill them." My heart started beating faster and my fingers immediately started rubbing my ears.
"I'm sorry." He said grabbing my hand and pulling it down from my ear.
"I didn't mean to make you anxious."
"Anxious? How did y-"
"You always do that thing. Where you rub your earlobe." I look at him self conscious of my habit that I didn't even know about. I found myself looking at his face, taking in his features.
"I think I'd pick you." I buried out randomly. He looked at me with a what the fuck did this bitch just say? Face.
"The whole thing with Jean and the bald guy. It bothered you. But if it makes you feel any better, I'd say you're better looking than both of them." I watched his Adams apple bob as I said that. His body stiffened and I looked to the floor. I felt his fingers press against my chin my eyes brought to his gaze.
"I think you are more beautiful than every piece of literature that describes the beauty of woman. More than Ymir and every painting in paradise." My eyes widened and I felt my heart do a flip. His fingers ran up my cheek cupping the side of my face. Our eyes locked and a thick tension filled the air between us. It was so silent the only noise being pur breath hitting the others face. His eyes flicked to my lips then back up to my eyes.
"Yes Violet?"
"Whats happening?"
"I'm going to kiss you."

I felt his body lean in and my eyes flutter closed. His breathe hit my lips and I could feel him so close to me. His soft lips pressed into mine in a soft and passionate flurry. He pulled away slowly leaning his forehead against mine.

"I would do anything for you Violet."

1524 words. Short chapter I know but it's late and I'm eepy. Plus no one reads this anyways 😭

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