Bruises and Blood

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Their bodies were inseparable. His lips latched onto hers like the only oxygen in the world was in her lungs. Fingers clashing gripping at hair as the sweet kiss metamorphosized into heated passionate endearment.

"I love you," he said lips parted breath leaving his mouth harsh and fast before the warmth of your lips pressed into him again. You were unsure how you felt about Jean but his presence in your heart was overwhelming. The feeling that consumed you when his body clung to the side of the building; panic, fear, an uncontrollable desire to hold him in your arms and protect him from the pavement below. So when he told you he loved you, when his lips pressed into yours, and his hands traveled through your hair it felt right. It felt so right.

You could feel it. You could understand, what Jean was saying, what he was doing. Eyes scanned every feature on his face. The dimples on his cheeks as he smiled. The way his hair fell behind his ear. And his eyes, they had you transfixed "Jean I-"

Before you could even start the door opened and light poured into the room. Armin stood there shock on his face and anger swelled in his chest at the sight before him. He put the pieces together in his head. Open
window, the body's entangled on the floor steps away. His vision turned red and he felt like he couldn't breathe air. The only thing he could inhale was pure rage.

Steps moved in slow motion, time coming almost to a halt, but for you and Jean: it was an instant. A split second before your vision could catch up to Armin's body colliding with Jean. Hips straddling his torso as punches layers Jeans face.

"Stop!" you scream pulling on Armin viying to get him off of Jean. His arm pulls back for another punch elbowing you in the face. Pain shoots across your face a warmth trailing down your nose and a metallic taste on your tongue. You fall back your head slamming into the ground Recoiling in pain hands grip at your head.

Armin falters overwhelmed by the feeling of hurting such a beautiful woman. Of hurting the woman he loved. The one he thought he loved, but it wasn't love. He was obsessed with you. Your very existence filled his every waking thought. And now your frail form lay crumpled on the floor blood gushing from your face. Jean's vision turned red, adrenaline pumping through him. He grabs his collar flipping Armin on his back, fists pummeling his face.

His body lifted slamming Armin into the wall. Jean spit blood on his face, "What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

For the second time tonight, another person stormed in the room. His long brown hair down from its bun cascading over his shoulders. His eyes scan the scene in front of him legs moving before he can think to your crunched-up body.

"Violet are you ok?!" Your body cradled in his arms. His hair tickled your bloody face. Jean scowled throwing Armin into the middle of the room.
"What happened is the fuck face here attacked us!" Jean yelled.
Eren's head racked over the endless possibilities of how this could have started. But it didn't matter right now. You were hurt and he couldn't let this get in the way of what he needed to do. He stood up holding your body in his arms.
"Stay awake V. Hey look at me." Your eyes lulled back the temptation of closing them seemed ever so sweet. Darkness confronted you each time you blinked more and more time passing between each flutter of your eyes. Everything was blurry and your head aches.

"Jean?" You asked voice quite almost a whisper. "No baby, it's me Eren. Please try to stay awake." Uncontrollable fear ran through him. He wasn't there to see how hard you hit your head but he assumed it was hard.

He moved as fast as he could without disturbing you. Your head rested on his shirtless chest, you could feel it rising and falling. He didn't know what to do but he knew who did.

Pounding, yelling, and cursing disrupted the little sleep he would get that night. Nothing new for him though. Not to say it didn't piss him off but it washed away when the door opened. Blood, and lots of it covered your face. It had gotten worse as blood now covered Eren's bicep where the back of your head rested. Desperation filled Eren's voice as he looked at Levi.
"I don't know what to do!"

AOT Reverse Harem~ Ymirs HavenWhere stories live. Discover now