I hate u pt.1💗

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I hate u by SZA?

No i hate u in general

You and Danny are enemies, even though you just recently moved over the summer you ended up moving next to him. Then it got worse, your mom became friends with his mom...you were slightly okay with it because you and his little brother were friends. Then... Your mother invited his family over for dinner. You were sitting on the couch with headphones on and playing games on your phone as the doorbell rings and your mom answers..

"I'll get it mom"I say as I run to the door

your mom sighs and goes back to cooking up dinner as you answer the door

'why is this bitch here?'I think to myself

Danny is standing at the doorway with his mom and little brother "hi....are you Y/n?"

"Um yea."I say putting a fake smile on my face

"Great! I'm Danny, but you probably know me as the biggest piece of shit in the school."*he puts his hands on his hips*"nice to meet you, Y/n." he says with a fake smile

"Mhm nice to meet you too"I roll my eyes

he gives you a smug look."So, what are you doing? Playing on your phone?"he smirks

"None of your business"I reply

his eyes narrow at you"wow, are we that bitter?"he crosses his arms and leans against the doorway

"Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to my room."I say rolling my eyes

"Let me go to my room dip shit!"I say but he blocks the doorway

he rolls his eyes"no. Now come on in."he pushes his foot down with more force this time.

"Let me go to my room!" 

"Why are you so bitter? Its just a dinner. Don't be so dramatic. Now, lets go"he pushes his foot down harder.

"Ugh"*rolls eyes*

he takes his foot down as he opens the door "see that wasn't so hard..now come on and sit with the family."he says in a smug voice.

Y/n's mom: Y'all the food is ready c'mon and eat!

Danny rolls his eyes and walks to the dinner table and sits down in a seat opposite from you, he puts his feet up on the table as he looks at you like he's waiting for you to do something.

"Bro u put your feet on my momma's table ooh u gonna get in trouble."I say teasing him

he looks deadass at you as he smirks I doubt it....and my feet aren't going anywhere. 

Y/n's mom:Danny get yo feet off my damn table!

he gives her mom "that look" before he huffs and takes his feet off the table. He groans and slouches in his chair before looking at you again with an annoyed look.

"See told ya"I say laughing at him

"Whatever...you think this is the first time I've gotten yelled at for doing that?" he looks at Y/n with an arrogant look before he puts his feet up on the table again


her mom groans loudly"Danny!"Danny puts his feet down again but keeps trying to put them back up.

Y/n's mom:alright everyone I made macaroni and cheese and also some chicken and some rice enjoy!

Danny looks at the food and sighs loudly "This looks horrible."

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