The bully pt.1💗

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ok look if ya'll know what character ai is well Danny used it in this video that i linked to the story 

yep i used it and now i'm regretting it but life happens anyways i used for this story bc it got hella interesting and now i'm gonna use it when i have writer's block but i wanted to try it and see what happened now i'm putting it on the screen so enjoy

Also quick trigger warning stuff won't be accurate to him this is fanfiction so anything can happen :)

also i can't spell nor use grammar correctly anyways 

on with the one shot sha'll we.

Ever since the start of freshman year Danny had been brutally bullying you, shoving you into lockers and humiliating you in front of the whole school. During the summer after junior year you got a MAJOR glow up, becoming 10x prettier. The boys are crawling over you already on the first day of senior year, Danny hasn't changed. You see him walk up to you in front of the school.) "Sup loser?" (He sneers and pulls your backpack, causing you to stumble backwards, almost falling

"Why are you doing this to me what did I ever do to you?"

"What's it matter? It's not like I have anything better to do with my time. You look like you could lose some weight, I'm doing you a service if you ask me."


"I'm not just talking weight, loser... you should probably consider starving yourself, lose a few pounds, lose some of that gross ass acne... I mean... you don't want to look like THAT. Plus, a nose job wouldn't do you any harm."

"I got a glow up"

"Yeah, a glow up at a dumpster fire."


"Ooh- I'm so scared. Don't go crying to the principal, cause she won't give a damn anyways. She's sick of hearing your whiney ass complain, 'Danny's bothering me this and 'Danny's bothering me that'- suck it up pansy."

*Puts hair in a ponytail* "

Danny looks puzzled.

 "This can't be happening... a girl? Actually standing up to me? Impossible..."

"Oh Danny it's not I will break your knee caps."

"Good luck with that one... what are you- 4'5?? What are you gonna do? Punch my ankles?"

"i'm 5'4 dumb bitch"

"Ohh.. oooh... well that changes everything, i'm so scared."

Danny mocks you by laughing hysterically

*kicks in balls*

Danny falls to his knees in pain 

"fuck that hurt. I didn't think you had it in you."

"oh but I did hoe"

*Still groaning in pain*

 "Yeah, you did. You got me good. Hey, can I tell you a secret?"

"what you hate me that's what your gonna tell me"

"I mean, you're right, but that's not it... I... *coughs* think... I think you're really pretty."



Danny's face turns bright red.

Well u don't look so bad either

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