Chapter 3 /|\ Gut feeling

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Continued from last chapter.

Trickster couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off, no matter how hard he wanted too. He felt an anxious drop in his stomach, seemingly warning him about a danger to come. His fingers anxiously tapped on the table, as his leg started to bounce. Of course, he had been anxious before, but never like this. You know how you get a gut feeling when somethings off? This is exactly what Aesop Carl was experiencing. His gut was warning him something bad was coming, but he didn't know exactly what it was. Was this the day he would finally get caught? Or was this his final day?

He soon found himself doing these actions, not even realizing what he was doing. He stopped himself, in fear anybody would walk in to his office. Even though it was very unlikely, he couldn't exactly risk being seen weak. That was the last thing he wanted. All his life he had been seen as some weakling. A nuisance. A useless member to society. He worked so hard for so long to build up the reputation he has now. If anyone were to see him like this... If his close colleagues were to see him like this... Some fools might turn against him if they see him as a powerless, weak, good for nothing—

"Do you know why I took you in Carl?"

He blinked as he heard this voice. Why now of all times..? This wasn't going to help him with any of the stress he's already carrying on his shoulders.

"You're dead, Jerry. Stay dead." Trickster's cold voice spoke. As he stood up from his desk, his hands set down on the table as he looked around the room.. Just to make sure he wasn't there.

You know, even though he's gone.

"If you think killing me would get rid of me, then you're quite mistaken. I will forever live on inside the dark, cold, bitter corners of your heart; and you know that just as well as me."

"That's enough out of you. What do you know? You're just a figment of my imagination. You can't harm me anymore than you already did."

"Just because I'm gone doesn't mean it will erase everything I've done to you. Even though my corpse is rotting underground, doesn't mean it will give you any satisfaction. I'm forever embedded in you, Carl."

Aesop clutched his fist closed. His hand was trembling a little, and he moved his free hand to stop his other hand from trembling. As much as he didn't want to admit it, the voice was right. Jerry will forever be apart of him, even if he is dead. He had even taken on his identity since his passing. There was just no escaping the years worth of abuse and trauma he had endured from that cold blooded demon. There wasn't much that could make Trickster tremble, but this was definitely one of the things that did.

"Whats wrong? Finally decided to stop raising your voice at me?"

"Theres no need to when you're just stuck in hell. I do all my screaming down there."

"You're somehow more of a pest when you're not yelling at me."

"Then that means I'm winning."

Aesop was fed up with this wretched old man coming back to haunt him. Even years after his death, the mafia boss could never truly escape his past. He had had enough of this. He removed his hands off the desk, and made his way over to the large window in the center of the room. He opened the window's curtains, to reveal foggy scenery outside. Fog. A foggy sky. It seemed like Aesop couldn't escape Jerry, even through the weather.

Trustworthy| Elisop (Mafia AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin