Chapter 2 /|\ Blissful Danger

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Continued from last chapter.

The masked man had left the mafia boss at his apartment, walking off to who knows where. Most likely to his place of residence, to retire for the night as it was very late. Trickster wouldn't have to worry about the well being of his right hand man, Surveyor. After all, he has witnessed some of Surveyor's assassinations. He is well off to protect himself if anything were to happen.

The young man entered his apartment, gazing at his apartment. It wasn't anything fancy. A kitchen, living area, bedroom, and bathroom. It wasn't much, but to him it was home. As long as it has a bed, it's a home, right?

He then turned around, facing his door, and locking it, before turning back around, and walking to his bedroom. Once he entered, he flicked on the light switch, and walked over to his desk. He laid his suitcase on it, and opened it up, taking out some of the documents in there. His desk had some drawers, which had copy's of all documents, reports, etc. in there neatly organized. Aesop had a little system, where he would organize the papers by alphabetical order, date, topic, and a few more categories.

After he had put away the documents, he would close the drawers and exit the room. From there he would go to the bathroom, turning on the light switch and looking at his reflection in the mirror, as he took off the jacket draped around his shoulders, took off his gloves, and started to undo his tie. He locked eyes with his reflection, as if staring into his own soul to see what was going on in there. He didn't see much, just an average man, who looks more sickly then depressed, living a life of crime with his partners. He saw a heart with chains wrapped around it and a big lock, keeping it locked from the rest of the world. The young man had always kept his heart locked away, in fear that he would fall in love and loose the love of his life, due to his dangerous lifestyle. It would be his fault for his partners death. He had a terrible phobia of loosing the ones he cared about, ever since...

The mafia boss had shaken his head at this thought, snapping out of his own trance. He had usually never let his mind wonder to such thoughts, although when your by yourself, its more easier to actually pay attention to your thoughts, instead of paying no mind to them.

He had felt something warm run down his cheek, as he placed a hand to his cheek, and now felt a tear in his hand. He hadn't even realized he was crying.

"You're so weak, Carl." He muttered to himself, as he wiped the rest of his tears.

Aesop had never usually shown his emotions of sadness or despair in front of others, let alone his peers. He was under the impression that not letting anybody see his soft side, would result in him being more respected. He had always locked up his sadness, so he wouldn't be seen as "weak" or "easy to manipulate." He got more accustomed to this when starting the mafia, so he wouldn't get caught and have a scary aura. Only when he was at the comfort of his home, would he dare shed a tear.

Trickster had looked at himself in the mirror again, scoffing at his pathetic reaction, before putting his hands to his low ponytail, and slowly sliding off the hair tie holding it in place, before he heard a knock at his door. Aesop had only gotten the hair tie halfway off, before being interrupted. He sighed, leaving his bathroom and walking to the front door, and looking through the peep hole. There, he saw one of his neighbors, Emma Woods. With hesitation, he had unlocked the door, but kept the chain lock still in place.

"Good evening Mr. Carl." The young gardener had spoke.

"Good evening."

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