Chapter 3 - Blurred Faces

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"Hello there!"

Without warning a girl's cheerful voice spoke to me, snapping me out of my daze.
     I looked around the surrounding darkness, seeing no one.

"I was told not to disturb you... but I know there's nothing worse than being alone! Promise not to tell on me okay!?"

The voice suddenly saddened,

"But you know... I'm starting to get a little lonely myself...
Can you... please wake up soon?"


I slowly opened my eyes, sunlight flooding in once more. I was here again, in this world... somehow I found relief in that.
     I felt the cat wriggle free from my arms, running to the balcony. It turned back to face me, curiosity filling its large green eyes, before it jumped to the ground far below.
     I sat up slowly, slightly disheveled and disoriented.
That voice... there was no one around...
was it just a dream?

I heard the door click open and a woman, who looked little older than myself came in.
     Her face was a soft blur and I didn't know whether to find the fact reassuring or slightly disappointing.
     She entered the room offering a slight bow,

"Good morning young miss"

The woman's blurred features carried a faint warmth, providing a kind smile I could not distinguish. She continued to talk cheerily, unfazed by my cold silence,

"My name is Lyra, I have been instructed to assist you for the extent of your stay here young miss"

She went to the window, further opening the long embroidered curtains, allowing the sunlight to engulf the whole room.
     She turned with a slight spring in her step towards me,

"Come along now young miss, your bath is ready!"

I couldn't help but wonder how she was in anyway involved in my bathing as I followed her down the brightly lit hallway. She made an abrupt stop, causing me to flinch slightly. She stopped at a large oak door, turning to me with what I can only assume was a smile, before pushing the double doors open with a slight grunt of effort.
     A gust of warm and fragrant air greeted me as the doors opened, revealing a room overgrown with foliage and small lanterns sprawled around it. I picked up the nearest lantern marvelling at the fireflies glowing a faint green from within.
     I raised my head watching as Lyra moved towards the large bath in the centre of the room. She lifted her hand to the water and slowly a light steam arose and the water began to bubble.
      This world was well and truly unusual, much like a fantasy in many ways, too perfect to be real.
     Lyra turned to me and spoke in her animated cheerful tone,

"Alright then! Your bath is ready young miss, kindly enter it so I can assist you"

I froze for a moment my face a mix of of shock and slow realisation.
What did she mean assist? Was she not going to leave!?
     My eyes darted up, she stood there happily showing no intention of a quick exit, clearly seeing my startled expression she explained further,

"I understand you are injured, so I will gladly help you in this task"

Before I could think she came towards me and began unbuttoning my night gown. Oh hell no!   
     I moved back swiftly, glaring, and trying to embody 'get away from me bitch I bite' with the limited mediums I had.

"Young miss kindly hold still"

She advanced towards me again. No. No. No.
     I ran to the other side of the room wielding a nearby branch as my last hope of defence.

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