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Husk stumbled under the false promise of a soil hiding behind all the stagnant water, again. He took a breath with his mouth open, hoping to find any trace of a familiar scent, but the air was too fusty and stinky to carry any information. He grunted, annoyed, but kept pushing his furry dripping legs relentlessly, making his way through the swamp. The cat was huffing and humming with every effort, making his hoarse voice resonate.

"I'm too old for this".

He mumbled, pausing his walk as he did.

In front of him, a couple of dense bubbles popped up, marking the digging place. Taking a deep breath, Husk sank his claws into the mud, feeling the cold mass flood every inch of his pelt and claws. The swamp pulled him to its depths, trying to engulf him, but he kept going. Husk only stopped once he felt a solid bony form and opened his paws to grasp the inert body. As he pulled, more bubbles started to form ephemerally, until he was able to cast loose a horned head, out of the dirt. He softened his grip slightly as he realized his claws were sunk into the skin, the only protection being a tacky soaked coat.

Next, he accommodated himself, wondering in which position he was leaving the body. The cat then freed one of his paws to lift the deer's head. As he left the throat unconstrained, a fraile shudder began in the inside of the chest and, soon, It turned into a dry cough and a loud gasp for air. Under his claws, he could feel movement, presumably of his lanky legs. But, as he directed his attention to the muddy dense water, the body fell to the swamp again, making a hard slosh before breaking the surface tension and beginning to drown.


He said, sinking his claws and then his arms into the dirt, wrapping his arms around the demon's ribcage and staining his white chest fur in the process. He pushed his companion's body onto his, making his lumbar release a jolt of pain.


He cursed, grunting for all the effort made.

"You're lucky you're skinny."

But Alastor didn't respond, and before Husk realized, he had tilted himself too far, losing balance and inevitably falling backwards, unintentionally liberating the radio demon's tight torso.However, Husk landed on his tail, making him hiss in pain.

As Husk began to endure the pain, transforming it into rage, he looked at the deer demon again.

"Wake up, we're goin' home!"

The demand was met with utter silence and the cat shook his partner delicately, waiting for a response, any signal of consciousness.

As the reply never came, the cat shifted his attention to his arms, trying to feel the heart beating and his lungs expanding. Alastor felt really cold, but, after a minute, Husk managed to pick a light shaky breath that barely extended the diaphragma.

Alastor coughed again and gasped for air before his respiration turned into a heavier panting.


Static drowned his whispery complaint before he spat dark watery liquid onto the swamp, violently. His only security from falling again was Husk's arms.

Once his body stopped convulsing, he raised his right arm, his muscles trembling with effort as he desperately tried to take the mud out of his face.


He began, but he coughed again and soon was fighting to take air into his mauled lungs.

Husk pulled him closer, carefully placing him in a better posture to help him breathe. With this, Husk took the opportunity to get up but in doing so he almost tripped and fell onto Alastor due to the dirt restricting his movement. However, the same mud prevented the accident from happening and Husk was able to regain balance.

SWAMP // A Radiohusk One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now