Flora pretends to itch her calf to draw attention to it. It works as Jude's eyes slide down there. "I know you hook up with Vivienne. Why not me? I'll make it good."

Unlike Jude, I'm not swayed by her powers, able to watch her as she practically eats him alive with her stunning gaze. When he makes no comment, she carries on talking, crushing my soul some more.

"What about Vivienne had you coming back for more?"

Christ above. I just calmed my nerves about Brittney, and now there's a Vivienne?

Jude's professionalism slips when he steps forward rather intimidatingly. "End of discussion. Please stop it, you're making me uncomfortable."

Flora folds her arms over her chest, testing him with her sexy smile. "Noted. You know the offer is there as you will change your mind. I'm good with my mouth, and word is you make people scream."

I push off from the wall where I was resting, striding in with a pissed-off pace. They both notice me, Jude's face falling once he sees me. I can barely look at the tall woman who's now standing from the desk seat.

I can't believe she thinks it's okay to proposition him so crudely when he's made it clear he's not at all interested in her. The papers in my hands settle close to Jude, who picks them up, still holding my gaze.

"Being a woman, I expected better. No means no, no matter your gender," I say to him, loud enough for her to hear.

I pick up my cup and take a long sip from the straw, holding Flora's eye the entire time. The cool water is wonderfully refreshing, but my body burns. I keep it semi-professional on the outside, but on the inside? Oh, boy, I'm committing a crime right now.

"I think it's best you go someplace else to get your car fixed," I say without thinking, wiping my mouth with some tissue.

Okay, so that was a mistake.

My stomach sinks as soon as I catch sight of Jude's face. A ten foot wall slides between us as he slips on his professional mask to motion Flora outside, letting her know he'll sort something out with her car later.

I give him my best apology when he steps back in here after Flora leaves. "I stepped way over the line. I'm very sorry." 

Jude stares. "I appreciate you sticking up for me, but Flora's father is a mega client of ours. It's clients like those we need to keep this business going. Please don't ever do that again, Imogen."

"I won't," I whisper, hating how the little rapport we were building feels tarnished now. "You have my word."

Jude is busy chewing on his cheek, not in the mood to answer me, and that's okay. I can't imagine he's feeling good right now and I clearly frustrated him. I keep quiet, giving him space as I enter the email inbox to answer the crazy amount of requests that have built up since yesterday.

"I need you to stop using the silly colours in your emails, too. I had a few complaints. Our colours are grey, red and black, okay?" he says, switching fences.

I nod, looking over at him. "I didn't realise it would offend people. I thought I could customise it."

"Yeah, well, you can't. This is a professional establishment, goddamnit." And he's striding out of the door.

Right, well, that's told me.

I go to my email settings to change the colours to the ones he wants to use, feeling silly and quite embarrassed to know clients have been so upset that they contacted him. It's not like he doesn't have enough stress on top of everything else.

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