"Ok, but still they need to be there in the discussion, so we will have they family dinner today where I'll even call your mom and dad, and then discuss everything. " Arjun said, and I nodded in agreement.

"Ok then, everything us decided. See you guys later. " I said kind of bidding them farewell so that I can continue my work.

"Oh Krisha Ma'am, we'll all be having lunch now, then you can continue your work. " Arjun said, kind of ordered me, but it's just his usual tone when I deny something that's important for me.

"Ok." I said simply, because there was no point arguing and we all then went to Kriti's favourite restaurant.


It's almost evening, and I'm going home early today, because Arjun told Ma about the dinner in the afternoon only, so she might be panicking as hell to manage things.

I quickly parked my car and entered to see I was right.

"Krisha, you're home early? Sit down, I'll bring water for you. " She said, admist all the effort in kitchen, she still wants me to sit first instead of helping her. Damn! These mothers.

"Ma, calm down. I'm fine. I don't need water. I'll just quickly change and come and help you. " I said and began going towards my room.

"Krisha, it's no hurry, dear, even I'm helping her, you don't worry much. " Dad said who was in the kitchen.
I just nodded to him and went in the room.

And within minutes, I was downstairs, helping them.

I looked at all the dishes mom had prepared.

"Ma, there's no celebrity coming, it's just my mom and dad and Kriti. There was no need. " I said eyeing the good stuff, only to earn a glare from her.

We all finished with everything within the next hour, and by the time even Arjun was home.
Even he's early today.

He went to our room and I followed not before making sure that everything was perfect and sending mom and dad to rest before my parents arrive.


In our room, Arjun was calming sitting on the bed after changing into some random T-shirt and jeans, looking handsome as hell.

"Oh, someone is looking hot today. " I praised, as I entered making him look at me with amusement filled eyes.

"What has gotten into you? You're acting weird. You're fine right? " Arjun asked, concerned, but it still made me think that he is thinking that I've lost my mental stability.

"You think I've gone mad? " I questioned.

"What? No. Absolutely not. I just thought that you're acting a bit weird because of you know, Aryan and Kriti... " He said, dragging the end.

"About that, Thank you so much. " I said with a real grateful tone.

"For what? And why are you even thanking me? You know right, no sorry, no thank you. " He said.

"No. When I'm grateful, I'll thank you, when I'm apologetic, I'll say sorry. This no sorry, no thank you concept is actually nice, but it's my right to express my emotions and... " I started ranting, but Arjun stopped me.

"Oh Bullet train. Calm down. And tell me, why thank you? " He asked calmly.

"Thank you for acting wisely and even making me do the same. I've no idea how would've I handled, if you were not there. " I said and before I could say anything further, Arjuns stood up and hugged me.

"Krisha, remember this always, it's my duty and my privilege that I can be with you in any situation. And don't worry you'll always find me by your side because we're... " He started saying but I stopped him.

"meant to be together.


Hey Lovely Readers,

Here goes chapter 27,

Hope you all like it.

Also, tell me really honestly, are you guys really enjoying the story?

And, do check out my new book, Bridging hearts.

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Meant to be together | ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя