
17 1 1

Saturday 💤



Hello, some of you may have noticed that I haven't been posting for a while. I just lost all the motivation to write. It might have been school, laziness, tiredness, or just that I suddenly lost hope in Therianthropy. I don't know what happened, but I am trying my best to feel connected again. I just keep pushing it away whenever I think about it.


I do think I could be a Therian. Here are some points to being a cat Therian/Therian (I'm not sure if all of these mean I am Therian. Some also sound weird) : I enjoy sitting in the sun, like a cat would; I experience species dysphoria; my mum has said a few times how I sometimes act like a cat; when I feel strong emotions, I involuntarily imagine a/my tail acting how it would with the emotion; I sometimes hiss, meow, etc involuntarily; this one is weird but, when I have a blocked nose, I can make a purr-like sound, and I always feel happy about it ; when I sometimes see quickly moving lasers, animals, etc, I feel the need to run at it/ hunt it? ; I go up the stairs in my home an all fours; and more.

It could have just been a 'phase', and all I have been doing is looking for clues if I am Therian, not preparing to accept it. I used to feel excited about Therianthropy, but now it has mostly gone. It is not something I can just choose to be, but I can choose to accept it. ( That sounded cringy, sorry. ) And that is what I am going to try.

It could have been the people that hate on Therians for no reason, when they haven't got a clue what it's like. It gets annoying, when there is so many other things they could be 'concerned' about other than hating on people being themselves. My sibling, for an example. I love them to bits, I couldn't live without them. But it's whenever they talk about anything around furries, therians, etc. A few days ago, we were reading an information sheet on the National Trust we were visiting, we got to the part when it said something like " the gardens are a great place for your furry, four legged friends ", meaning the gardens where good for your dogs. They then muttered my name. And I panicked, do they know I do quads? , do they not like how I have a dinomask and tails?, I just started to feel a bad feeling.


Today I woke up, got out of bed at 9. I ate some breakfast and played on my laptop, as usual. Today has been a resting day, since we've come back from a short holiday. I had some late-ish lunch, now I have been writing for around an hour.



I went on a walk with my mum and got some snacks for watching Strictly Come Dancing. We came home and ate tea. We then watched Strictly and now I am writing. I am going to relax before bed.

I'm not sure if I will post regularly or not yet.


Sorry for the long entry. Hope you have a great day/night.

~Lia/Ash 🎃

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