Blinded by love

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Tae hyung is really happy with his relationship with jungkook but he doesn't have an any idea of his lover cruel intentions...

He was blinded in jungkook love..

If jungkook said anything to do then tae will do and obey jungkook each and every word like a humble child..

Sometimes jungkook ordered to tae to wear his choice only...

He Never allowed him to go outside with anyone without information tae thought it's possessive love...

But there is a big pit is waiting for him....

Jungkook wantedly doing this evrything with tae...

He want to see his tears in the end....

And jungkook is ready to give pain to tae with his crucial plans....


Tae: hey kookie.....

Jk : what?

Tae: what are u doing?

Jk: what do u think about me tae ?
Am i free like u?
I'm really busy with my work...
So shut up and cut the call....

Tae eyes got brimmed with tears...

And he looked at phone screen...

Tears flowing from his eyes....


At night.....

Jk : baby.....

Tae : .........

Jk: baby I'm sorry plzz talk to me ...
Just answer my phone call baby plz....

Tae: u are busy jungkook...

Jk: I'm sorry baby...

Tae: good night ....

Jk: if u are not attend the call I will thought u don't love me at all....

Tae in mind : what the can he thought like that...

Kookie callinggggggggggg......

Tae swiped green button up.....

Jk: what's the wrong with u tae?
Why don't u answer my calls ?
Why don't u reply to my msgs huh?

He shouted on call....

Tae stunned by jk's roar and then tae started crying again and his tears left from his eyes then sniffling...

Jk: just stop crying tae....
Just stop it.....

Tae: what I did wrong jungkook?

Jk: u did everything wrong ...
U called me in wrong time...
And then putted me in hell....

Udk anything about my situation tae...
And u never wanted to be to know..

Tae is sniffling continuously...

Jk: do u want me to die or what?
Or did I die in ur point of view?
Why are u crying for silly things tae?.
Just why?

Tae:...... (he don't want to answer for those questions so stayed in silent)

Jk was really not in good mood there he started his game again....

Playing with emotions was good game for him...and he loved it with favourite pawn tae ...

Jk: babyyyyyyyyy.....o myyyyy babyyyyy......

Tae stopped his crying for a second...

Jk: I love u baby..... I love you alot...

But just understand my situation...

Muahhhhh plzzz stop crying baby plzzzzzzzz.....

Tae: I'm sorry to disturbing u kookie...

Now jungkook satisfied with tae sorry.
Tae didn't did anything wrong but he said sorry cz tae was so innocent and he loved jungkook alot like he is  his life.....

Jk : is my baby is angry on me?

Tae: no!
Why would I jungkook?
U are a busy person and u have so many works to do..
Here I my self is useless and free person to do nothing...

Jk : yeah exactly tae !
U didn't do anything for ur life ..
But our love is enough to be busy in our life..

I love u tae... Plzz sorry and stop insulting u plzzz.....

And uk what I want to meet ur parents to talk about our marriage....

Tae forgot everything and smiled at jungkook words...

Tae : really (excitedly)😃

Jk: yes baby..
I got a new project and i succeeded in that well now ur lover will soon to be a notorious person in the world...

Tae clapped his hands and jumped on the bed and said no of I loveus to jungkook...

Jk smirked at tae happiness...

Tae: then when will u come to visit my parents kookie...

Jk : kookieee huh?😉

Tae: stop annoying me and do tell me...

Jk : shall I come today?

Tae : ommmoooooo...
Your sooooo fasttttt....

Jk: want to feel my fastness baby?😉

Tae: u shameless.....

Jk: yes I'm !
Infront of u only baby.

Tae: I love u kookie.....


gritted his teeth between his cheeks...

tae: I will wait for u baby....


🤧❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ SORRY......

ignore my mistakes and shower some love

lots of love from sona❤️

HIS LUST GAME  KILLS MY LOVE💔...(Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now