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PSA. Some chapters are short some will be long, if you like a book to be a certain way this one is probably not for you! Thank you enjoy 💋

- Miami, Florida

Janova sighed turning up the volume on her phone.

"Damn ma, let me get atchu!" She ignored the cat call continuing on her journey.

She was taking her every other day route to the corner store trying her best not to curse out the men who tried to get at her every single time she walked by.

She didn't find it cute or appealing, it made her uncomfortable but she continued to ignore it.

"Foe the love of monayyy" she sung lowly as she walked. If it wasn't one thing she loved it was music.

She listened to music all day long, her lengthy playlist consisted over 2,000 plus songs.

She walked into the store and turned her volume down a little, she always did that when she walked anywhere near people just so she could hear if they said anything.

She grabbed her usual two slim Jim's, a small pack of grandma cookies, and pickle.

She loved the combo so she always used her lunch time to go and get it. 

After paying she grabbed her bag and quickly walked back so she'd have enough time to actually eat the snacks.


"Nova why you keep playing." Her co worker asked bothering her while she sat at her desk.

She went to college to be a rad tech, fortunately for her, she entered a two year program and got licensed as a radiologic technician early.

She was a year out of the program and worked as a receptionist in a small radiotherapy clinic.

Though she dreamed to work in a hospital as an emergency radiologist she was fine at the clinic for now

"I told you I don't see you that way." She payed him no mind.

Janovas whole life she'd always get hit on. She was on the thicker side as her body developed quickly as a young girl.

She wasn't coke bottle shaped but she was thick in all the right places, her scrubs did her more than justice. Her unique chubby/ thick build always attracted guys to her.

But she was never interested, cat calling and sexual comments made her uninterested rather than flattered.

"why you keep doing me like that? I just wanna treat you right girl." He frowned.

"Okay." She laughed brushing him off. She was more focused on getting money and living it up. Besides if he wanted to treat her right he would've already been doing so.

She focused her attention back on the computer screen,
Canceling none confirmed appointments and authorizing ones being confirmed.

While engaging in her work she heard the small bell at the door ring causing her to look.

Cheesing at the sight she watched as her favorite patient walked through the door.

"good afternoon mrs. Flowers I didn't know you were scheduled for today?"

"Oh no baby, I came by to make my appointment. I forgot to confirm the last one so they canceled it." She smiled.

"Now Ms. Flo you know these appointments are important you can't be missing them." She frowned.

Mrs. Flowers had been coming to radiotherapy way before Nova worked there. But she quickly became Janovas favorite after starting.

She was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer three years ago, it would often leave then randomly come back hence why she stayed at the clinic for so long.

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