She laughed and rolled her eyes at me as she walked away

Soon we were docked at port. This was where the crew would be leaving. We only had about a day left, depending on how long it takes to stock the ship. I had been spending as much time as possible with Jessica. I was really starting to like her and might never see her again after she leaves.

Since when we got to port everyone who was leaving would be looking for a stay for the next couple days, Davy decided that would be a good time to have a meeting for the four people staying. I told Mrs. Thorn about the meeting and Davy told Joe. We met in Davy office.

"Okay," Davy started, "first I want to thank the three of you for you're loyal to me and this vessel. I really appreciate it."

He paused for a second to look at each of our faces, giving me a small smile.

"After they leave we'll all have to work our hardest to keep this ship afloat. We'll each have to take on more responsibilities and not give up," he said encouragingly. "Our lives will depend on that."

"I have a question," Joe said.

"Yes?" Davy answered.

"Well, if the girls are in the kitchen that leaves only the two of us on deck. Are you sure we'll be able to sail the ship by ourselves?" he said, in a perplexed manner. He obviously knew he was missing something, just not what he was missing.

Davy looked at me and we both smiled. Eventually, he started to laugh.

"Mandy won't be in the kitchen," he said. "She'll be on deck with us. She has experience on deck and we're gonna need her."

"Oh. Well, okay," he said, not aware of how many years of experience I had.

We cleared up a few other issues like how long till we would reach the next port and what we should expect facing the whirlpools with a four person crew. Once everything was settled the meeting ended.

Not much else happened after that. We left port soon and I payed careful attention to what the sailors were doing, knowing that I would be doing that soon. Within twenty minutes the dingy that was leaving was ready to go and the crew was about to leave.

I gave Jess a hug, see gave me the address of where she would be saying so that I could write, amend we said our tearful goodbyes.

"I'm going to miss you so much," she said.

"I−" I was cut off when someone roughly grabbed Jess by the arm and pulled her away from me.

"Get on the boat" he said rudely.

Not wanting to make any trouble Jess, I said a final goodbye and walked away.

Jess' Point of View:

After I shook the man's (who by the way was the first mate closest friend) hand off of my wrist, I gave him a dirty look.

"Oh don't look at me like that," he said snidely. "We don't have time for you petty worries. Just get in the boat before the Captain comes."

I rolled my eyes at him. I knew the Captain wouldn't come out of his office, because Mandy had warned him what time we were leaving. Even if he did come him wouldn't do anything to stop us. He's smarter than that.

I then went to get on the dingy. I sat in the back the whole trip wondering if I had made the wrong decision. I watched the ship get farther and farther away. Eventually, I saw Mandy and the Captain on the bow of the boat, waving to us.

"Good luck!" I yelled to them, gaining a couple of angry (and confused) looks from the people around me.

"We'll miss you, Jess!" Mandy yelled back.

"Goodbye!" I yelled as loud as I could, since the ship was very far away now.

At first I thought she didn't hear me. Then I heard her say, "Goodbye, Jess!"

When we reached port, I stayed on the dock for a while. I watched as the ship became a small speck in the distance. I kept watching long after that speck had disappeared over the horizon and the sky went dark. I spent that time thinking, trying to decide what my next move in life would be.

"Hello," a familiar voice muttered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. Until now I had thought that I was the only one on the dock. I whirled around violently, not liking the tone of the man's voice.

I gasped when I realized it was Jack Cult (aka Captain Davy's first mate). "Don't worry Jessica. I'm not going to hurt you," he breathed into my ear in a voice that, for some reason, didn't reassure me. At that point I realized he had my hands pined behind my back so I couldn't escape.

"So, I noticed you're pretty close with the Captain's little pet. In fact, I'm starting to think you regret leaving with us," he turned me around to face him while saying this. He started to play with my hair in his fingers. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. "Well, me and a couple of my buddies were thinking, 'Why don't we set a trap for the Captain?' So, I snuck into his office and a set a slightly lethal trap for him. Once he's dead the idiots who went with him will bring the ship back to the ship back to port and we'll kindly, or violently" he stopped to laugh and burp in my face, "take the ship off their hands.

"Now, me, being a good pirate and all, decided we needed a backup plan in case he outsmarts my trap. I know he's going to find a treasure, so I'll follow him on a ship one of my buddies "borrowed" and let him do the hard, dangerous work and get the treasure. Then I'll take it," I looked at him, disgusted and tried, unsuccessfully, to get my hair out of his hands. When he realized how much this was annoying me he let go of my hair, pulled me closer so that our faces were less than an inch away, and then began to stroke my cheek. "But since I know he won't just give it up I decided I needed to make a trade with him. I noticed he was getting closer and closer to that girl, Mandy's her name. He'd do anything for her. At first I was gonna get her, but then I saw how much time they spend together and realized I could never pull that off without him catching me. So I decided to get you, her best friend, and hold you for ransom. Now it may take a month or more for them to find this treasure. And in that time you're going to be my own personal slave," he said, drawing out each of the last four words. I knew what he meant by that and I was terrified.

My terror was displayed on my face and he seemed to be enjoying it. He pulled me in closer, grabbing my butt, and pressed his lips roughly on mine. He kissed me and bit my lips until they bleed. He tried to enter my mouth with his tongue but I bit him fiercely, desperately attempting to get him to stop. He stopped kissing me and cried out in pain. I took advance of this and ran away.

I ran as fast as I could... straight off the dock and into the water. I hear a splash behind me and started to swim as fast as I could.

Cliffhanger! I hoped you liked this chapter. I just wanted to say that this is probably the only time I'm going to use Jess' point of view until the sequel. In fact, I probably won't even mention her again until the end of the story. But I am going to write a sequel that's all about her and what happens to her while this story is taking place in Mandy's life. I thinking of starting that before I finish this story and writing them at the same time. Please message,comment, and vote!!! Thanks for reading!!!

Life and Love at Sea: A Pirate Love and Adventure StoryWhere stories live. Discover now