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The Book of Me & You

Love shouldn't cause this much pain

I think that's a myth. Love is often the greatest cause of pain

("Clear blue water, high tide came and brought you in

And I could go on and on, on and on, and I will")

Ricky is holding a positive pregnancy test in his hand, his eyes wide. Amy has tears rolling down her pale cheeks

"I didn't think it was humanly possible for a baby to cry this much!"

Overlay appears

Ricky is lying next to Amy in their bed. He kisses her head and lays his hand over hers on her abdomen.

"Well, believe it, it's happening, and at this rate, it isn't going to stop!"

Scene flips

A gray machine shows a black and white image, thumping rapidly on the screen.

"What if I told you... you received some very exciting news?"

Scene Flips

("Skies grew darker, currents swept you out again")

Ricky is admiring the photograph in his fingers, smiling at the slightly blurred ink

"So, are you going?"

Overlay changes

Both are lying in bed facing each other. Amy starts kissing Ricky's neck.

"Of course not! I wouldn't do that to you! To us!"

Scene flips

Ricky shoves cake in Amy's face, they kiss as his hands move up and drown her robe covered arms. She pushes into him, leading them both to the queen sized bed.

"Are you stupid? Or do you simply not understand that having sex can lead to having a kid? Just look at me."

Scene flips

Amy leans her head on Ricky's shoulder. He kisses her temple, resting his cheek against her hair.

"It's not okay! I want - I want out"

Scene flips

("In silent screams")

Ricky sets a plate containing a half eaten piece of wedding cake on the coffee table. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls a red velvet bag, dumping the rings into his palm.

"What is this?"

Scene flips

Amy picks one up, placing the gold band on her finger. They both start laughing as Ricky tugs on her hand, trying to remove the engagement ring from her swollen finger.

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