Chapter Three

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Weirdly, the run back to the Airbnb felt much better than the run out. I was exhausted- there was no denying that- but although we still kept a fast pace, it almost felt as if Klaus and I were running together rather than competing against each other. Naturally, I took advantage of the fact he seemed to have slowed down slightly to ensure I was always one step ahead, simply just for my own satisfaction.

Maybe it was just the fact that we were on the way back to our accommodation that made the trip easier. Or maybe it was helped along by the fact I didn't have to squint- another thing I took great satisfaction in as I glanced at Klaus beside me and saw him looking similarly to how I'd felt on the way out. And maybe (as much as I loathed to admit it) it helped that Klaus had actually been... pleasant. It was certainly a strange experience after his behaviour the previous night and, oh, the entirety of our shared training together as kids. It was sort of refreshing to see him act like a normal human being, even if I didn't expect it to last. Last night, where he hadn't even wanted to acknowledge my existence- that was the real Klaus. This vaguely cheerful person was a carefully crafted deception. For what reason? I hadn't figured it out yet, but I would.

It was almost a surprise when the Airbnb came into view, as the run had gone by much faster this time around. But it was like seeing the building reminded me of how tired I was, and I was puffed by the time we burst into the house, instantly feeling the icy caress of the air conditioning. That was a plus about the US, I decided, the fact that most modern buildings had aircon.

I took a deep breath, relishing the feeling of the cool air caressing my lungs. "Thank god we're back," I said quietly, then looked up to see Quigley standing in the kitchen, frozen.

He was leaning against the island, a bowl of cereal in his hands but no spoon- since he often didn't have it with milk and preferred to just pick the cereal bits up- and his mouth paused in mid chew. Quigley was visibly shocked and at first I took offence, thinking it was because he didn't expect me to go on a run (which, fair enough actually) but then I remembered who I was with and his surprise made more sense.

"Morning," I said awkwardly. I took Klaus' sunglasses off and passed them back to him, noticing how my brother tracked the movement.

"Mrrhng," Quigley replied, attempting to speak around the cereal. Still, the confused look didn't leave his eyes.

One glance at Klaus told me that he had averted his gaze as well, making the entire situation one big, awkward, not-even-conversation (since I was pretty sure conversation required more than one muffled word to be said to each other). The whole thing was a bad vibe, so I got out of there quickly.

I strode past Quigley to the kitchen doorway, throwing over my shoulder, "I'm going in the shower!"

I didn't hear responses from Klaus or my brother, but that could've been down to the blood rushing in my ears, fueled by embarrassment I didn't even understand. It had been a run, nothing more, and one I hadn't even invited Klaus on. So why did it feel as though Quigley had caught us? Only god knew what was going on in my brain, making me feel as though a simple, albeit awkward, interaction had been more like a confrontation, when there was nothing for me to be confronted about anyway. And, even if there had been, even if I had for some reason invited Klaus on a run (how scandalous) then that didn't matter either- I was a grown woman, for christ's sake.

Alright, Isadora, chill, I thought to myself, unsure why I was getting so worked up about it. I blamed the heat and Klaus and his unexpected appearance in my life after so long making me seem crazy, even to myself.

Knowing I didn't have too long before we would have to head to Violet's match- especially given Quigley was up and awake- I quickly hopped in the shower and got ready, not bothering to dry my hair as I knew the moment I stepped outside of the house the sweltering US heat would do it for me. Then I made some brunch, happy to see I had the kitchen to myself.

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