Chapter 2

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Sonic = future sonic (have BOLD letters)

Sonic = past sonic

Ftr = future ( cause i'm too lazy to type it out everytime)


As I exited the portal, the light was so bright I nearly passed out.

As I finally regain my sight, I saw a giant tree just inches away from me.

"Woah.." I mumbled, then proceeded to climb up the trees and explore the branches.

But not even near the top yet and I hear 2 someone chit chatting.

"Yeah, he should be here any minute.." said the anonymous voice. "Alright." Said another voice, except a bit deeper.

I heard what sounded like a kiss but I wasn't sure. Suddenly, someone appeared out of the tree branch and caught me as I stumbled.

"Oh, you're here!" Said a the anonymous voice with a snicker.

They pulled me back up the branch as I crouch down. And at that moment, I realize that my savor, was Sonic THE hedgehog. The future one.

"H-how did you know I'll be here?" I questioned, rubbing my head.

"I did the same thing you did when you were my age so I know basically everything." He answered and smiled.

"Bae come on backk." A deep voice suddenly called.

"Who was that?" I asked again.

"Oh that's just shad. Don't mind him." Sonic laughed.

"SHAD?? AS IN SHADOW?!" I freaked out. My brain malfunction for a bit.

"What? ARE You so for REAL??" I asked, blanked eye. To his respond, a chuckle.

"Ah well, secrets out. It was suppose to be a bit longer for you to find out but," he shrugged.

I kept starring at this "strange" version of mine who's suppose to be me in the future.

"SONICC!" yelled the "future" Shadow. "I want to meet your past self!" He whined. My future self really somehow broke him because he sounds...Soft?.. I could have never imagined Shadow turning soft to anyone. Especially ME.

"Coming! Just give me a few second!" Sonic called back. I lifted my head to see if I could spot out Shadow in the tree branch but it was spring so it was worthless to try. The leaves brushed off each other as a strong gush of wind flew by.

"Come. Shad's been wanting to meet you like crazy so i'm gonna try to get him off my back for now." Sonic said and started hoping the tree branch. 

Even though I was young and more flexible than him, he was able to jump and move around this tree like a monkey. I almost collapse after I reached the top.

"Uhm, bud? You good?" Asked Sonic. "Y-yeah," I huffed out, "Give me...a...*wheeezeee* few second." I said, breathing heavily.

The tree was big though. If I were to estimate it when I was standing down there, It could have been double the height of the loop-de-loop stretched out. 

As I slowed my breath, I suddenly notice how far I was up the tree. I panicked and looked around for something I could hold onto before I lost my balance.

Just as I was about to tumble down from being frozen in fear, I felt strong arms tugging me back down the tree branch. I sat there for a while, trying to calm myself down before looking to see who tugged me down. 

I turned my head and I saw an older version of Shadow. Although I'm not used to seeing my Future self napping on his shoulders, I gotta admit, seeing Shadow happy after the death of Maria sparked something in me.

I didn't know what caused me to do it but I smiled and watched as the two cuddled each other. Shadow putting a finger to his lip to tell me not to wake up Sonic while smiling a bit. 

I felt a comforting feeling washed over me. A feeling like a bigger brother looking after me. Or in this case, the bigger brother's boyfriend.

(ack I haven't stop working on this chapter in days so hopefully y'all like it!. I also have some stuff to do for school so I might not update as often. I sometime might rewrite or fix some grammar in the stories so don't be surprise if the story sounds or changed when you re-read it ^^)

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